27 December 2009

Went Shopping...

For crib mattresses-but we didn't bring any home. When you make a purchase at Babies R Us they often give you coupons for 20% off your next purchase, so mom and I each bought something and now have 2 coupons, one for each mattress (sweet deal!)

So what did we buy? Mattress pads and.......

This Play Pen...which if you look it up online it will most likely fall under the category of "play-yard" b/c I supposed after all these years it isn't proper to put your child in a pen? The twins play pen was such a great deal! It was an online purchase returned to the store- original price $209, marked down to $105 and when mom and I were at Babies R Us yesterday there was an additional 33% off bringing the total to $77! Pretty sweet deal if you ask me and the credit card:)

I'm thinking the play pen will be set up in our living room area when the time comes, for now, my car.

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