31 August 2010

A New School Year

A new school year has started for teachers today and I am here at home with my kids. I went to bed last night thinking about how anxious I would have been had I been going back to school and I'm pretty sure me thinking about being anxious made me have bad dreams. That aside, I don't think it has fully hit me that I'm not going back to school this year. Today I kept thinking about what I would have been doing, emptying boxes upon boxes of supplies, re arranging my room, wondering the halls and thinking about that feeling of something new and something fresh. While today is considered the worst day of the year because summer has officially ended for teachers...I'm still torn to what this day means for me.

I am really excited about staying home and being with my babies, but at the same time I'm wondering what the new year of teaching would have been like and what amazing things the kids would do (artistically and socially) . I have no doubt that Greg and I made the right choice in having me stay home... I have had an amazing 5 months so far, but this is when reality hits and my new adventure really begins. Bulletin boards are replaced with a family calendar of events, lesson plans are pushed aside for play time and reading, lunch in the staff lounge is now lunch on the ground watching the babies, and 9:30 pm is my new 3:50. apprehensive about these new ways of life, perhaps, however I've always been up for a great adventure!

Good luck teachers! It is going to be a great year! (I hear a hurricane or two is on the way)

1 comment:

  1. You are so lucky to be able to spend this time with the babies! So many mom's don't get that opportunity. Enjoy it! We miss you so much, but we know you will come and visit. :o)
