30 July 2011

Sorry About That

We have been on vacation and having a great time...now we have returned and it feels great, minus the 85* tempatures we are experiencing indoors. Now if we still had our ocean views with this indoor heat life wouldn't be so bad, however we have neighborhood front property and views of trees with little breeze. So, hopefully when life cools off a little I'll be able to get back to updating life on the blog.

Side note- I can't 100% blame vacation for my non-blogging..I'm 100% addicted to the Hunger Games Trilogy. I don't normally get hooked on books like this, but I wake up thinking about reading the books, I long for the girls nap time, and I am annoyed when I see Greg reading the book (which means I can't b/c we are sharing one copy...not good for a marriage :)

1 comment:

  1. The Hunger Games books are SOOOO good! I'm sure they'll screw up the movie!
