21 February 2012
Trying A New Blogging App
The app that I have been using on my phone isn\\\'t really that great. One would think google would have enough money to put out a decent app, but I guess not. So I\\\'m trying this out for a little bit.

Library Time
The girls picked out books to read after story time at the library. (longer post to come about that)
Free Toys
Is like sweet music to my ears. This evening Kaylee opened our pantry and pulled out all sorts of lids and Tupperware and started finding matches all on her own...Alex decided that she wanted to try too. Kaylee naturally wanted to show off when she got a match and Alex true to form sat satisfied and quiet after making a match.
20 February 2012
Crayons! Crayons! Crayons!
If you have heard me say it once you've probably heard me blog it twice...Kaylee isn't much for getting dirty. That is until she see how much fun it is :)
Today's way of getting dirty- "helping" mom peel the paper off the crayons.
Today's way of getting dirty- "helping" mom peel the paper off the crayons.
Soak then Peel
It only took me about 5 minutes to realize there must be a better way to give crayons a "haircut" aka. Peel the paper off. And so there is-soak in water. Easier than peeling them while dry and safer than using a utility knife to cut the paper.
17 February 2012
16 February 2012
Not A Uni-Brow
I wanted to show you that my little one is getting strong and then the shadow kinda ruins it. Sad face.
Join Me Here
And I'll read you a story. Alex and kaylee play with their dolls every day and much of the day. Today, Alex took her 'baby dawl' to the book shelf and the two of them picked out a special story. They found a happy spot to sit and then Alex proceeded to read to her 'baby dawl'. It was adorable it made me want to eat her up.
1. We are not getting a pursed sized dog and
2. You are not cut out to be Lily's babysitter anytime soon.
2. You are not cut out to be Lily's babysitter anytime soon.
15 February 2012
I Will Show You...
My Valentine.
Alex and Kaylee went to their Tuesday class today and afterwards they had the opportunity to make a valentine. Each happily worked on her valentine, carefully placing each sticker and making sure to choose just the right sticker as well. Alex got a little side tracked once she found the glue stick (shocker.) but Kaylee was plugging away at those stickers. It got a little hairy to say the least when it came time to go home. Kaylee was able to break ties with the stickers although she let me know she wasn't happy about my choice...she thought it was "no goi" (in big people talk, "not a good choice"). She threw an honest to goodness category 5 fit when we tried to leave- thank goodness it was just my friend Lisa and I there when this all went down. Maybe it was more like an F-5 fit because tornadoes can hit hard and without warning, just like Kaylee did today. She was mad all the way to the car and even still once she was in the car, Sheepy ended up saving the day. And once she was fine she was as happy as could be, meanwhile Alex just toddled along happily and just looked at Kaylee like "really? You are kinda loud and ridiculous right now."
Kaylee found comfort in admiring her handiwork the whole ride home and just stared at her valentine. She was so attached to her very first Valentine she even wanted to take a nap with it- I convinced her to hang it on the fridge instead. Alex's hung with pride as well though they were both confused when they went to nap without their cherished valentine...it was sad and adorable all at the same time. The girls had a nice nap and the first thing they wanted was their "haarta" aka. Valentine heart- here they are with their "haarta".
Alex and Kaylee went to their Tuesday class today and afterwards they had the opportunity to make a valentine. Each happily worked on her valentine, carefully placing each sticker and making sure to choose just the right sticker as well. Alex got a little side tracked once she found the glue stick (shocker.) but Kaylee was plugging away at those stickers. It got a little hairy to say the least when it came time to go home. Kaylee was able to break ties with the stickers although she let me know she wasn't happy about my choice...she thought it was "no goi" (in big people talk, "not a good choice"). She threw an honest to goodness category 5 fit when we tried to leave- thank goodness it was just my friend Lisa and I there when this all went down. Maybe it was more like an F-5 fit because tornadoes can hit hard and without warning, just like Kaylee did today. She was mad all the way to the car and even still once she was in the car, Sheepy ended up saving the day. And once she was fine she was as happy as could be, meanwhile Alex just toddled along happily and just looked at Kaylee like "really? You are kinda loud and ridiculous right now."
Kaylee found comfort in admiring her handiwork the whole ride home and just stared at her valentine. She was so attached to her very first Valentine she even wanted to take a nap with it- I convinced her to hang it on the fridge instead. Alex's hung with pride as well though they were both confused when they went to nap without their cherished valentine...it was sad and adorable all at the same time. The girls had a nice nap and the first thing they wanted was their "haarta" aka. Valentine heart- here they are with their "haarta".
14 February 2012
Happy Valentine's Day
Cookies were made and more importantly liked. I found a new recipe and figured I'd give it a try. It is simple and fast- Cherry Chocolate Kisses
Source: The Ultimate Cookie Book
They say serving size is 36...it is really 24. I ate some dough but I didn't eat THAT much dough!
Ingredients 1 cup unsalted butter, softened, but still cool
1 cup powdered sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons maraschino cherry “juice”
1/4 teaspoon almond extract
2 and 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup maraschino cherries, chopped
Granulated sugar, for sprinkling the cookies
36 milk chocolate kisses, unwrapped
Instructions 1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.
2. In the bowl of your standing mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat the butter at medium speed until creamy, about 1 minute.
3. Reduce the speed to the lowest setting and slowly add the powdered sugar and salt.
4. Add the cherry juice and the almond extract until combined.
5. With the mixer still on low, slowly add the flour, scraping down the sides of the bowl as needed.
6. Increase the mixer speed to medium and add the cherries.
7. Shape the dough into 1-inch balls, and place the balls on a baking sheet, approximately 2 inches apart.
8. Using your thumb, gently press each cookie in its center until the cookie is about 1/2-inch thick.
9. Sprinkle each cookie with a little granulated sugar.
10. Bake the cookies until the bottoms are lightly browned, about 14 minutes.
11. Once removed from the oven, immediately press a chocolate kiss into each cookie’s center.
12. Transfer the cookies to a wire rack to cool completely.
Source: The Ultimate Cookie Book
They say serving size is 36...it is really 24. I ate some dough but I didn't eat THAT much dough!
Ingredients 1 cup unsalted butter, softened, but still cool
1 cup powdered sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons maraschino cherry “juice”
1/4 teaspoon almond extract
2 and 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup maraschino cherries, chopped
Granulated sugar, for sprinkling the cookies
36 milk chocolate kisses, unwrapped
Instructions 1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.
2. In the bowl of your standing mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat the butter at medium speed until creamy, about 1 minute.
3. Reduce the speed to the lowest setting and slowly add the powdered sugar and salt.
4. Add the cherry juice and the almond extract until combined.
5. With the mixer still on low, slowly add the flour, scraping down the sides of the bowl as needed.
6. Increase the mixer speed to medium and add the cherries.
7. Shape the dough into 1-inch balls, and place the balls on a baking sheet, approximately 2 inches apart.
8. Using your thumb, gently press each cookie in its center until the cookie is about 1/2-inch thick.
9. Sprinkle each cookie with a little granulated sugar.
10. Bake the cookies until the bottoms are lightly browned, about 14 minutes.
11. Once removed from the oven, immediately press a chocolate kiss into each cookie’s center.
12. Transfer the cookies to a wire rack to cool completely.
10 February 2012
Get Colorful
Marker time! The girls wanted to color and I have somehow lost the crayons so markers it was, and I am happy for that because they had fun using them and getting them to put the caps back on is a non issue (where were these kids when I was teaching?). Both kids love taking off caps, lids, or a top of any kind and try to put it back on. They've been doing this trick for about a year now and it hasn't gotten old yet. Score one for me- no dry markers!
The girls had fun coloring and at one point a small line of marker got onto the floor and the choir of "ut-ohs" started. I told them that it was okay but Alex wasn't satisfied with that answer so she went over to the kitchen towel drawer (on her own accord) and got a towel to 'clean up' the marker. It was so cute and she was happy with the results of her cleaning, when she was done she picked up the towel, looked at the spot, did a quick nod and then dropped the towel and continued drawing.
Sometimes the girls get into the drawing process and sprawl themselves across the paper-last night was no different. Luckily the markers dry quickly or I would have had a toe dye effect on their bellies before the night was out.
Enjoy the pictures. And it the 3rd picture you can see that Kaylee drew a triangle. I know she probably didn't make the conscience decision to do so, but nonetheless it is still a pretty darn good triangle.
The girls had fun coloring and at one point a small line of marker got onto the floor and the choir of "ut-ohs" started. I told them that it was okay but Alex wasn't satisfied with that answer so she went over to the kitchen towel drawer (on her own accord) and got a towel to 'clean up' the marker. It was so cute and she was happy with the results of her cleaning, when she was done she picked up the towel, looked at the spot, did a quick nod and then dropped the towel and continued drawing.
Sometimes the girls get into the drawing process and sprawl themselves across the paper-last night was no different. Luckily the markers dry quickly or I would have had a toe dye effect on their bellies before the night was out.
Enjoy the pictures. And it the 3rd picture you can see that Kaylee drew a triangle. I know she probably didn't make the conscience decision to do so, but nonetheless it is still a pretty darn good triangle.
Yoga Mats
The girls had a marker adventure last night. They managed to cover 3 large sheets of paper with lines, scribbles, and polka dots. One would think it was mindless scribbles but it looks as if the girls were decorating their own yoga mats. Adorable I think.
06 February 2012
An Afternoon Nap
It took them a little while to fall asleep...perhaps it was because the were looking for their own space in the crib.
05 February 2012
To The Park
Greg took off on Friday and to our delight it was another pretty day in the 50s so we went to one of the playgrounds in our neighborhood. The girls have much fun and we did as well. Greg was helping the girls not crash and burn at the end of the slide...apparently kaylee doesn't bend when she goes down the slide (shocker!) and so she is just about completely horizontal (see picture) by the time she hits the end of the slide...not good unless you want to bruise a tail bone or get a good knot on your noggin. It was a great way to spend an afternoon and the girls were tired-there was no crib changing during this nap time :).
See For Yourself
I can't say much more than this-the day before this picture was taken Greg said to me, "the girls will be climbing out of their crib any day now." fast forward 2 hours and we find Kaylee in Alex's crib after their morning nap. And the crib trading hasn't stopped. In fact the girls have been asking to be placed in each others crib for naps and bedtimes. Lucky us.
Oh and while they trade cribs they often help in taking off each others pajamas ( or pa-da-das as kaylee calls them). And see all the junk on the crib mattress? Yeah, that is all their dirty laundry they managed to pull into the crib during their unscheduled play dates.
Oh and while they trade cribs they often help in taking off each others pajamas ( or pa-da-das as kaylee calls them). And see all the junk on the crib mattress? Yeah, that is all their dirty laundry they managed to pull into the crib during their unscheduled play dates.
04 February 2012
Smart Cookies
We have some smart little cookies on our hands.
1. A few weeks ago while we were visiting GG's house Alex found a piece of trash. And with trash in hand Alex, as usual, needed to throw it out. She walked into the kitchen and peered above the counter searching, searching, searching...she located the sink and hopped on over to it and swung the cabinet door open in hopes of finding a trash can (just like at our house). Unfortunately for her that it's where the trash is located in GG's house, but it was really cool seeing her process information and then make an decision.
2. This morning Alex was pushing her shopping cart around the house and got stuck between the couch and the coffee table. I said, "do you need the table moved to make more space?" and then Kaylee came running over put her back on the couch and feet on the table and pushed. Now, I've pushed the table with my hands to make room but not my feet- awesome that she was able to hear a problem and come up with a solution on her own.
I love my little cookies!
1. A few weeks ago while we were visiting GG's house Alex found a piece of trash. And with trash in hand Alex, as usual, needed to throw it out. She walked into the kitchen and peered above the counter searching, searching, searching...she located the sink and hopped on over to it and swung the cabinet door open in hopes of finding a trash can (just like at our house). Unfortunately for her that it's where the trash is located in GG's house, but it was really cool seeing her process information and then make an decision.
2. This morning Alex was pushing her shopping cart around the house and got stuck between the couch and the coffee table. I said, "do you need the table moved to make more space?" and then Kaylee came running over put her back on the couch and feet on the table and pushed. Now, I've pushed the table with my hands to make room but not my feet- awesome that she was able to hear a problem and come up with a solution on her own.
I love my little cookies!
03 February 2012
How I Spent My Friday Night
It was a lovely day with Greg staying home from work and an evening visit with Grandma, but the real fun began when it got dark. I started cleaning out and organizing closets- the front coat closet and the linen closet. Some might think it is a little sad that a 28 year old finds joy in such tasks but there is nothing quite like feeling accomplished before heading to bed...at 10pm.
It's getting late, here are some pics of the closets in action- I'll post an after picture of the linen closet tomorrow.
It's getting late, here are some pics of the closets in action- I'll post an after picture of the linen closet tomorrow.
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