24 July 2012

Just A Few

More on the floor than in the mouth I think...but we are still working on that hand to mouth thing :)

Horsey Needs Food, Momma

And there was no 'good morning, momma.' or 'I love you, momma!' I was greeted by my children, namely Alex with 'horsey needs some food, momma. Horsey needs some goldfish.'

And good morning to you my darling children. :)

22 July 2012

New Goal

As if I need more on my To Do list...I am in a food rut. I need inspiration for feeding the kids, so I'm thinking of trying to make 50 new meals and 50 new snacks in a year...not too hard, almost one new snack and meal a week.
Not only will we be have new foods to try but we will also have new cooking activities :)

I Help.

Liliana wanted to help put the dishes away...kaylee got busy trying to put a bottle together for her baby doll.

I love seeing the creativity of my girls. Always making a game out of simple things :) love it.

20 July 2012

Thought Process?

You know they had something in mind...just what was that exactly?

Special Girls

The girls were being so good (no surprise :) and I was running a little behind on my normal 12:00 lunch schedule for the girls so we had lunch at wegmans. The girls loved it and so did many people around us. So many people smiled and complimented on how well behaved the girls were- moments like that make a momma proud! Thanks girls for being awesome! We should do lunch out more often Xoxo

What is She Doing?

A Liliana Update:
I feel as though I have been severely lacking in the updates and happenings of liliana (sorry, Baby Girl) so here I go!

*She is currently 1 week from turning 9 months old!!
*She is a master at crawling (she's been at it for at least 2 months)
*It only took her one weekend to figure out how to sit from her belly to her tush and then crawl
*She can pull up on anything
*She discovered how to climb the stairs (2 stairs is as high as she has gone)
*she can stand for about 2 seconds all on her own
*She can walk about 20 feet or more just by gently holding ones fingers
*Even though she isn't quite 9 months we are kinda surprised she isn't fully walking on her own
*She thinks she is really funny :)
*She love her friend, aka. her reflection
*Whatever big sisters do or have she wants (including food and toys)
*She eats mostly solids...purées aren't her thing since big sisters don't eat them :)
*She is a happy, happy girl and so smiley!
*She is adored by her sisters almost to a fault...Lily is going to be one tough cookie
*She continues to teeth with no visual progress. Still just the same 2 teeth she has had since month 4.
*We love our little pork chop, even though she is growing very quickly

That was a quick bullet list of our little girl- she is so much more than a bullet list, but you get the idea :)

19 July 2012

Hi, Friend!

Lily was very happy to see her 'friend' today :)

18 July 2012

Banpa Loves This Wednesday

Today my lovely niece and nephew flew into town today and Banpa picked them up from the airport and the girls and I met them out our favorite Wednesday treat...Sweet Frog.
Banpa was a very happy Banpa :)

We Love Wednesday!

17 July 2012

A For Addy

Kaylee is proudly showing off the letter A she drew all on her own!

More Park Days

We made our way to Bethesda for an oil change (which will never happen again...) but while we waited we found a fun park (more pics in a previous post).
As usual Kaylee spent most her time on the swing and Alex spent a fair amount of time on the swing too. Lily chilled by the stroller eating a snack and drinking her water mostly, but she too enjoyed some time on the swing. I love my girls- they were so good! We ended up getting a special cookie that looked like an ice cream cone and we went to the bookstore to play with the train table. So much fun for one day!

Did She Just Climb That?!

Yes, yes she did. I'll give credit to kaylee as she was the first to try this giant ladder. While she didn't make it all the way, she made a really good effort. Little monkey Alex took a try and made it all the way to the top of this contraption. It was impressive! She had other moms looking at her and watching in amazement.

Our little Alex, we are do proud and amazed at your physical abilities and your seemingly nonexistent fear of danger. Please be safe, we kinda love you :) xoxo

School's Out For Summer!

It has been a few days since Greg has been out of school and we have loved it! (Lily is really happy about this) The girls love seeing him in the afternoon, it is the sweetest thing to see them running to the door to greet him :) we are all happy to enjoy a few weeks of having all under one roof before 10 pm.


White trash just went to a whole new level here...

10 July 2012

New Name?

I'm still thinking of a new name for the blog...any thoughts? I need a name that can grow.. 'Two for the price of one' really doesn't include our sweet Liliana. So if you have any thoughts shout them out to me via email or right here in the comments. Thanks for sticking around as I mess around with the layout and format of the blog, there is still work to be done.

09 July 2012

In A Pickle

The girls wanted pickles, Lily too! And Alex wanted the juice :)

And There It Goes

A whole bag of frozen mixed veggies...she at the WHOLE thing! Minus the 1/4 cup I heated up for Lily. And for dessert, Lily was happy eating frozen veggies with her sister (they weren't too frozen by that point)

Was She Raised by A Cow?

I mean, really? If you can't bother with a fork at least use your hands, please?!

06 July 2012

My Children

I put the girls to bed and left the blinds open slightly because they wanted to read...no problem. We allow them to read or entertain eachother as long as they stay in their cribs. Well today I put them down and they started to read/chat with eachother and about 10 minutes into 'naptime' I hear a loud 'click' over the monitor....they shut their door completely so I can't see what mischief they are getting into. From the sound of it--foot stomps on the ground and their conversation over the monitor. They have managed to go into their diaper drawer and have pulled out multiple diapers to find just the right one for Alex's dear 'Elmo' baby doll.

I may just try to sneak a peek :)

01 July 2012

Under Construction

Please excuse the messnwhilemi work on setting puma new layout and design for the blog...itsntimemfor something fresh.