30 May 2012

I Love You Ant

Alex proclaims her love for an ant and then in the very next breath she smashes it with a chalk line. Tough love?

26 May 2012

So Soon

Little Lily took her first ride in a stroller just a few weeks ago when I spent the weekend at my parents so that Greg could study for his last exams.

The Duo

What is not to love about this adventuresome duo? And my little Goldilocks?! What a head of curls she has. And Sweet Kaylee? Love.

Someone Else Is Loved

The other day I posted about the girls chanting 'Gampa!' Well they confessed their love for 'Gam-mom' on Friday morning.
Thursday the girls were treated to a night of babysitting by Gam-mom and Gate Gam-mom. I went to my friends house for a book club meeting and Greg was at school.
While Gam-mom watched the girls they had a delicious dinner and got to make their dessert of fresh baked cookies...with sprinkles :) when Gran-mom asked if they wanted dessert Alex replied "no banana." okay, alex. No banana.
I was told the girls were all over Gate Gam-mom during the night and That Kaylee even read Cat in the Hat to her. Alex was her usual cuddle bug self and Lily was sweet as pie.
And as usual the night ended with 3 bathed girls and an easy bedtime story and prayers.
Thank you mom for a night out and the girls thank you for a night of fun! They loved it I know because I was woken on Friday morning with love cries for Gran-mom...or Gannnnnnnn-MOMMMMMMMMMMM! :)

New Trick

Last night I learned something new...I can get myself from my belly to a seated position :) it takes a little work since I'm just getting the hang of it and my mom says it could be a little tricky for me to sit up because my chunky thighs are probably getting in the way. In any case, I'm growing and learning and soon I'll really be able to play with my sisters!!

25 May 2012

23 May 2012

Someone Is Loved

After the girls typical afternoon nap I hear the girls stir a little over the monitor and then I hear Kaylee loud and clear..."Gampa. Gampa. Gampa. Gaaaaampaaa. Gaaaampaaaa. GAAAAAAAAAMPAAAAA!!!!!" I started to laugh and feel a little sad for them since Gampa had left to go back to the farm but then after another rendition of Gampa beckoning I hear "Spit Dawg. Come here."

Demanding little One, but she knows a dog is supposed to listen and obey... Now only if she knew SHE was supposed to listen and obey :)

Since it was a little sad hearing her call for her Gampa, I called him so they could say hello once more for the day. My sweet girls. They love Wednesday!

22 May 2012

Three Amigos

Most of the time. :)

These three little ones are enjoying the pigs at Frying Pan Farm Park. I took this picture a few weeks ago when we met up with our neighbor and son for the morning.

And I say the kids are friends 'most of the time' because they often act like triplets- they love and they push buttons. The girls like to steal poor Ben's toys and Ben likes to be a boy and play bumper bikes (like bumper cars, but with bikes). It is done with love and the desire to annoy, like brothers and sisters :)

18 May 2012

Kiss Kiss

This little girl LOVES her little sister.


When daddy is outside to play all are excited and want a piece of him :) Kaylee loves his redskins shirt because she can say 'Reedskeen' and she can pick out and name the letters. You can see in the picture Kaylee pointing out the letters. When she points to the 'i' she calls it an 'L for E-E-ana'. It is cute.

And Liliana is just in a Loving mood :) kisses for daddy.

08 May 2012

I. Bite. Addy's Arm!

Well those were the first words out of kaylee's mouth the other morning. Then Alex followed up with "Tee-tee bite MY arm". And indeed she did. I saw where her k9 made the deepest indention and I thought as the morning went on the bite mark would fade, but this picture is a post nap shot of the bite. It looks like Alex is indeed sweet.

07 May 2012


We are enjoying a little living room 'pig-nick' while the counters are being installed.

The girls may have swiped a finger full (or two) of cream cheese. Silly girls. I shouldn't buy bread because they would rather just eat whatever goes in between.

New Counters Day

Greg and I are getting new counters in our kitchen today!

04 May 2012

Feed The Animals

I think that is what they are doing. Line up the animals, get the felt, put it in the animals mouth...do it again.

Chalk and Run

The girls love to play and draw with chalk and the other day they decided to tag the neighborhood.

It's A Beautiful Day

Smile-smirk-Whatever you do, enjoy today.

Last Night

My heart skipped a beat when I went to check on the girls before I went to bed. I looked into their room only to see an empty crib staring back at me...and there is a pit in my stomach. Where is Alex?!
Oh, there you go, she is sleeping head to toe with kaylee in kaylee's crib. They have napped this way before, but never for a full nights sleep (they were still sharing a crib as of 6 am)
I just love how sweet they are together. I had to check on the girls about 10 minutes after we put them to bed because they were so happily and quietly giggling with each other. Alex was sitting in her crib playing with Kaylee by having the toy hippo 'eat' Kaylee's hair. Such a delightful sight and sound.

01 May 2012

Happy Birthday, Grandmom!

Today is my mom's birthday and the girls got busy with a fun birthday present for her.
Since the girls love to paint and Grandmom has lots of birds at the house, they painted bird houses for her. Kaylee was pretty annoyed when there were no more bird houses to paint. And Alex, well she got busy painting other things....

All of your girls