A Liliana Update:
I feel as though I have been severely lacking in the updates and happenings of liliana (sorry, Baby Girl) so here I go!
*She is currently 1 week from turning 9 months old!!
*She is a master at crawling (she's been at it for at least 2 months)
*It only took her one weekend to figure out how to sit from her belly to her tush and then crawl
*She can pull up on anything
*She discovered how to climb the stairs (2 stairs is as high as she has gone)
*she can stand for about 2 seconds all on her own
*She can walk about 20 feet or more just by gently holding ones fingers
*Even though she isn't quite 9 months we are kinda surprised she isn't fully walking on her own
*She thinks she is really funny :)
*She love her friend, aka. her reflection
*Whatever big sisters do or have she wants (including food and toys)
*She eats mostly solids...purées aren't her thing since big sisters don't eat them :)
*She is a happy, happy girl and so smiley!
*She is adored by her sisters almost to a fault...Lily is going to be one tough cookie
*She continues to teeth with no visual progress. Still just the same 2 teeth she has had since month 4.
*We love our little pork chop, even though she is growing very quickly
That was a quick bullet list of our little girl- she is so much more than a bullet list, but you get the idea :)
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