To us :)
We went to the beach! St. Augustine, FL to be exact and it was fantastic! It took us about 14 hours to get there since we stopped for breakfast at my favorite, Waffle House and then we went to Chick Fila for some play time :) when we arrived at the house we were too early to check in so we headed straight for the beach.
The girls had a blast! Alex ran straight for the ocean while Kaylee was a little more timid, but she did end up loving it. Liliana, our little water baby was in heaven- she loved the waves coming up and gently splashing her (she got knocked over once and she didn't much care for that but she pulled herself together). We have some awesome kids. This day was one of the best we've ever had (including the drive down). It was one of those days that just brought tears to your eyes because the kids were so filled with joy- they were thrilled with the water, the sand, getting sunscreen (no joke), just being kids. I wish I could have bottled that emotion...until next beach trip or other fantastic family moment :)
More photos, please