26 January 2010

Nesting much?

I had finally had it with my so called pantry! I started to tear things out of it one night and Greg came into the kitchen and much to his horror saw food all over the floor and counters- I started to clean out one shelf but didn't have time to do a really good cleaning so all the food went back (minus the muffin mix that we had when we lived in the apartment in 2006).

Greg made the great suggestion of rearranging the cabinets so that we could free up space and not have to use the pantry for all our food needs...so that is how we spent our Saturday and this is a picture to show the progress at about 1/4 of the way through.

When all said and done, the kitchen is much more functional and there is even lots of empty space in the pantry, as well as a whole shelf reserved for the kids tupperware toys!

Week 26

26 weeks with my belly button still fully in! :)

I may still be about 39 inches around my equator but that doesn't stop me from wanting to look like my old self :) I have pretty much given up on most of my wardrobe at this point but the number one item still in play is my Jolt brand pants I bought this summer from Nordstroms- what an amazing purchase!

What's life like at 26 weeks?

Things I can still do:

Tie my own shoes
Shave my legs
Wear some pre-maternity clothes
Walk the dog
Make it up and down the stairs w/o wanting to collapse (sometimes)

Things I can't do:

depends on who you ask...
Take off my birthday shoes on my own
Run (not sure I ever really could)
Roll over in bed delicately
Sit up from a reclining position
Sleep a whole night through without a bathroom break
Make it to 10:30 without a nap

Project Bumper...Almost done

I still need to add ties to the bumper, but you can see what the bedding will look like!

I used Michael Miller "whimsy" fabric for the bedding as well as a pre-made Target bumper on clearence for $13.

25 January 2010

More pics coming your way!

I have a 26 week photo and update, one crib bumper done, and a little example of what nesting looks like in my world!

Hopefully I'll get my act together tonight!

18 January 2010

These Elephants Won't Be Grey!

Two elephants in these fabrics coming the girls way!

Before Bedding and During Bedding

Sad Crib...

Happier Crib...

And together now...

Bedding! and more...

Fabrics are chosen and purchased...now I'm working to put it all together! I'll update later today with my progress--things are coming together nicely!

Mom and I got the girls mattresses yesterday and a pretty successful venture, saving 20% on each! I love a good deal :) We also had some lunch and then went to the quilt shop to buy the bedding fabric and it was a successful trip...much less expensive than I had thought too. Enough fabric for 2 bed skirts and 2 bumpers cost me about $65. Not too bad when full sets of ugliness would set me back around $200.

While at the quilt store mom found the most adorable pattern for a sewn elephant stuffed toy- so naturally we bought fabric to make 2 of them...I have no doubt they are going to be loved by our girls! Can't wait to post pictures of them...

Off to sew!

06 January 2010

Things people say...

and shouldn't.

1. We may never meet the babies. Who knows?

2. How are you feeling? (I work with you and see you every day, you don't have to ask me every time you see me)

3. Oh, I should have asked if you minded if I touched your belly.

4. You really started to show all of a sudden!

5. April?! I thought you were due in February!

6. How much weight are you supposed to gain?

7 (my favorite coming from one of my co-workers). Are you waddling yet?

"You have a REALLY big belly, Mrs. Kruck!"

Why, thank you? Glad you noticed? What do you say to something like that? I don't blame the 6 year old for saying that...yesterday morning I measured my "equator" and it was 38" exactly. Before going to bed that same day I measured again, and I was about 1/16th of an inch away from 39"! Seriously?! Are you supposed to grow an inch in one day? Good golly- I'm scared to measure tonight....

On a positive note, we get to see the girls tomorrow! I can hardly believe it we are at 24 weeks! Pretty soon we will be going to the Dr. office every 2 weeks rather than every 4 weeks. April will be here before we know it!

01 January 2010

Happy New Year!

How did the we ring in the new year?! Well, Zoe thought it was a great idea to greet us at 5:30 in the morning with a nice whine or two then full on bark-which somehow in turn woke up the two kids inside me...as I'm being kick by kids and punished by my dog Spit woke up and did her morning whine and arm tossing to see if she could get petted. AWESOME!

Happy New Year! If this morning was any indication of what this year is to bring, fun times!