27 March 2010

And I'm done!

I worked until 35 weeks and 1 day and now Spring Break and Maternity Leave is officially here!!! I truly didn't think I could make it through Friday at school- I was hot, then cold, sick, then fine- all that matters is that I made it and now I'm ready to do nothing for awhile.

As I lay on the couch trying to sleep, I can feel the acid creeping up- so hopefully the Maalox will kick in and I can keep my breakfast.

If I haven't said this before- I'm ready to meet these girls!

25 March 2010

It's my 35/35

35 weeks along; 35 days to go

I'm hoping for a much shorter time frame than 35 days...We (being the doc) would like to make it to 37 or 38 weeks- I would be happy with any day now b/c this whole being in pain while trying to roll over in bed thing doesn't really do it for me.

21 March 2010

So over drinking!

So Friday was a mandatory day of rest for this mamma by orders of the doc. Baby A was low on fluid level Thursday-so I had to go in Friday to see if there was a change. Luckily, Baby A had more fluid, which put her back into the low but normal range, and I didn't have to go to the hospital for IVs.

Now this whole weekend I've been having to rest and drink water, water, and more water. I wish there were a comfortable place for me to lay outside, but our deck isn't really made for a belly of my size to lounge around :)

Hopefully all this drinking has paid off, I'll be at the dr.'s tomorrow morning at 8am to see how the girls fluid level is doing.

ps. this whole keeping track of how often the kids kick is kinda tricky...esp when you nap all day :)

18 March 2010

Dresses will make the time go faster...right?

I hope so, I just made my first clothing purchase since DECEMBER! Can you believe it? b/c I hardly can. But a girl at work told me Old Navy had some Maxi dresses advertised on tv, so I went there after work yesterday. To my happy surprise I found 3 great dresses for $15 or $20 a piece- so I bought them. They will be perfect for my last few days at work paired with a cardi and then amazing in the summer time. Since they are long I won't have to worry about my skirt blowing up while trying to manage the kids or too much skin showing when bending over to pick up the toys the kids will throw out of the stroller.

I bought the dress above and I bought it in a darker blue- I may return the blue one and get a solid color instead, thoughts?

And then I bought another maxi with a V-neck top and 1 inch straps in black. (I'm wearing it to work today paired with a yellow tank underneath and a black cardi speckled with black flowers)

Where are the babies?

Here they are!
and they are what I like to call, HUGE! The top layer of the maxi dress is a gauzy-like material (my belly isn't stretching the poor flowers :)

And for the record...you gotta love the honesty factor in these photos, no touch-ups or re-takes allowed. and thanks to my brother who took all the photogenic genes in the family, these are the pictures you get of me.

33 week picture...

And I'm still in love with the amazing Jolt pants I bought this summer. They fit while my maternity shirts don't...sad story most mornings when I try to get dressed. I have been wearing those pants almost every day, until I remember a good friend of mine from last summer, the maxi dress!

30ish week picture...

It was career day at work and I was a marathon runner with another friend. I ended up getting a name tag "Hello, My name is Kristen E.". Kristen used to work at my school and she was an amazing athlete, was on the cover of Sports Illustrated after winning an Iron Man, and most recently she ran the Cherry Blossom 10 miler while 6 or 7 months pregnant and beat everyone else at our school! I tried to be like her...not that I actually run, but it was fun to be a runner for a day. :)

06 March 2010

Weigh in update

Roo A- 3 pounds 13 ounces

Roo B- 3 pounds 9 ounces

32 weeks along...

and I'm finding that 16 and pregnant can be a good source of information....and that is just sad.

04 March 2010

Going to the Dr. today for my weekly appointment

And I've been taking guesses on how big our girls will measure--2 weeks ago Roo A measured at 3lbs 4 oz and Roo B measured at 2lbs 9oz

Send me your guesses and I will fill you in on the details after my visit!

03 March 2010

Finished Artwork

Finally added the final pieces to the wall above the crib...we can call the nursery almost complete now. (no, that is not a peace sign, it is sign language for the number 2)