13 April 2011

Worst Appointment EVER

So on Monday the girls and I headed to the pediatricians office for Alex's 12 month well baby visit. A little back story (I'll make it quick) I was told at the girls 9 month appointment that the office's books weren't open for the dates I needed for their 12 mo. appointment- so I called back in a week and the first thing the lady on the phone said to me "weren't you just here?" well, yes, yes I was-ugh. I try to schedule my appointment and guess what...my pediatrician was booked for the whole month of April! So I took a chance and scheduled with another dr. (actually 2 doctors b/c for some reason they said it was impossible to schedule back to back appointments...that was a first) ugh. I know I said it would be short but the back story is done, let's move to Monday's story.

10:30 appointment- only 5 min. max from the house. I got there loaded the kids in the stroller and started to push my way up the hill to the office when my dear ol' iPhone dinged and told me that my appointment was not at the office where I was headed but at their Centreville one...awesome. Unload the kids, pack the stroller, buckle back in the kids, and off we go- 5 minutes to get there and it is no less than 10 away. Great.

Get to the appointment, grab the kids, forget the stroller (I'm late, the stroller takes 5 min to get moving) and off we go...and we get to the office building, kid in each hand, a pair of key, a bag and now PULL open doors (hello, Americans With Disabilities Act...were is my handicap button entrance...can't you see I'm clearly handicap today?!) I made it through 2 sets of PULL only doors as well as a turn knob door to the actual office. I check in and sit to wait-phew. Now I have a kid on each leg and the receptionist bring out paperwork for me to sign...really? I gave her a dumbfounded look and she said I could sign it later. thaaaaaanks.

So I get in- Alex gets her weight taken- and the nurse doesn't even try to help me as I carry Alex to the weigh station while trying to get Kaylee to walk with me-umm thanks for the help. So call in the doc. Seems nice at first, a little chatter and nice talk- then she turned on the rudeness- I'll just do a Q&A of the rudeness

Q. What do you do for protein?
A.Beans, avocado, peanut butter, salmon, and eggs
Doc's Response. They aren't getting enough protein. You need to feed them meat. Are you vegetarian?
A. No. I'm not.
Doc's Response. Then feed them meat.

Q. Do they take a bottle?
A. Yes, one in the morning and one at night. Only sippy cups during the day.
Doc's Response.No more bottle. Take it away.

Q. Here are the shots Alex is getting today, MMR, chicken pox, and Hep-A.
A. Well, I would just like to get the MMR shot today. While I'm not opposed to vaccinations I just don't want to give all of them to her today. I feel like it is a lot for her little body to handle.
Doc's Response.It isn't a lot. Kids get these shots all the time. And she will be fine.
(the 'conversation' continued as she argued with my decision to delay the vaccinations)

This last one is my question to the doc..it is a simple one. (and I'm shortening the conversation)
Q. When should the girls start wearing sneaker like shoes?
A. They should wear shoes to protect their feet.
My Response.Right. But when should they wear the sneaker like shoes?
Doc's Response. When they go outsides, they need shoes to protect their feet.
My Response. Well, they have these shoes, these little leather ones. Are they suitable for now? or do they need to get the sneaker like shoes for support?
Doc's Response. Those aren't going to protect their feet outside.

Well, okay- thanks for taking 7 minutes of my life that I'll never get back and not answering my simple question. So that was an abridged version (imagine the pain of actually being there if this was the abridged version) of my trip to the doctor, whom I will never have an appointment with AGAIN. EVER.

Moral of the worst appointment ever: Don't let the doctor bully you. and more importantly only see the doctor(s) that you know, like, and trust. If you need to schedule a well baby visit and your doctor isn't available, it is okay to have your 12 month appointment at 13 months. Good Luck mom's of babies who go to well baby appointments


  1. Wow!! That doctor sounds like a bitch! Did she finally let you delay some of the vaccinations? Nothing like a little bedside manner!!

  2. yes- she 'allowed' me to delay some vaccinations. I should have just left rather than dealing with her.
