30 November 2011

A Little Morning Smile

And life is good.


Today we are going to work on 'un-learning' this bad behavior...Kaylee was able to unlock the door and I'm sure it is only a short time before she is able to pull the door open. Another behavior to 'un-learn' today is using the book bin to climb onto the couch. While it may seem slightly harmless my kids will try going from the couch, over the couch arm, and onto the book bin (or more likely the floor).

Thankfully the girls have been in a pretty good mood today- let's hope they are still happy after their nap because it is school time for them.

Morning Joe

29 November 2011

Sister Time

I had Liliana on her 'ocean' and both Kaylee and Alex brought their toys to the 'ocean' to be near her. It was so sweet. It is sometimes hard to pick out the sweetest moment of the day since the girls are amazing big sisters, but I think this moment was the winner of the day :)

Sweet Sleeping Beauty

28 November 2011

Loving On Lily

Alex loves her little sister and tries to be near her every chance she gets.

20 November 2011

They Are Growing

We have a bar height kitchen table in our house. And this morning I placed Kaylee's uneaten bowl of oatmeal on so said table. I turn to clean the bowl from the table and couldn't find it anywhere near me. Then I search for Alex...

Enjoying The View

At The Doctors

We visited the doctors on Friday since Kaylee seemed to be bothered by her ear and I thought Alex fell victim to a cold of some sort. Turns out I was partially right...Kaylee had two full blown ear infections and Alex had the beginning stages of one. So both are on meds now and are starting to feel better. Kaylee's gunky eye is gone and her normal eye has returned though it seems to be pretty tired looking since she still isn't sleeping as well as she did before she was sick. And Alex is super cuddly and her nose is running off and on throughout the day-it is fast and furious.

If you look at this picture taken at the office you'd never know only 30 minutes beforehand Alex was crying like crazy because she didn't feel well Fine with me, happy kids are much easier to handle while at the doctors...sick or not.

Here is to a healthier tomorrow- and another trip to the doctor. We think the girls gave sweet Liliana a belated 'welcome home' gift :(

16 November 2011


**belated post**
We love a visit from our Uncle Chris and Aunt Ashley!!
It had been way too long since we had last seen them but it was well worth the wait. In true Chris and Ashley style they brought up lunch and a special cookie for each of the girls ( except Liliana :). But they did bring a special blanket for Lily, Greg's favorite, I so soft pink blanket with satin binding and Liliana embroidered in the corner. It is so sweet and now each of our girls has the same blanket (with different names, of course)

We love you and can't wait to see you again soon! Xoxo

Cheap Entertainment

Kitchenaid Mixer Bowl + cookie cutters = 40 minutes of entertainment for Kaylee

In and out; in and out; in and out
And somehow it was still magical for her. She did spice it up a bit by changing locations. She even sat between my legs and played with her cookie cutters- limitless options for that little one

I Am Off House Arrest

The doctor finally cleared me to be able to drive and it felt so strange hopping into my car and being the driver. It was only 2 weeks of me not driving but it felt like I was 16 and taking my parents car out for the first time all by myself. (the feeling wore off quickly when I realized I was driving a mini can and not a Mercedes)

And what do with my new found freedom?? Nothing. I haven't been anywhere-I'm so lame sometimes.

That Summer Feeling

We've had such beautiful weather these past few days we thought it was summer time- we celebrated with some flash frozen berries. A whole pound of them and they still asked for more! *see Kaylee's solo picture, she is using the sign for 'more'

11 November 2011

What A Surprise!

I called my mom on the way home from the doctors office and she was only 5 minutes from my house! I do love a good Veterans Day surprise :)

Mom took watch of the girls before I got home so that Greg could hop on a conference call and then mom and I got busy once I got home. We tidied a bit but mom made some chicken stock and mashed potatoes in addition to the meal she brought over. I was also able to get a pumpkin pie made while the girls were napping. It was an enjoyable and productive day for sure!

I like bank holidays :)

10 November 2011

Give Daddy A Kiss

The girls and I just had a quick talk with daddy and wanted to send him a little love on his long night. So handy dandy iPhone comes into play and then I ask the girls to 'give daddy a kiss'. With that we've got a perfect picture for our hard working guy!
We love you!!


It is currently around 4:30 and I just realized Greg still has 2 classes to go to and I'm still here with the girls....for another 6 hours! That is pretty much a full working day. Sometimes I wonder what we are thinking and more importantly what on earth are we going to do once Greg is done with Law School??? So much family time!

Exciting! Here is to another 2 years of craziness :) I think a vacation is in order after all this.

07 November 2011

06 November 2011

November 6th?

Just saw my iPhone and it says it is the 6th of November...what happened to the 1st-5th? Anybody else feel that way?

05 November 2011

I've Been Held And Gifted

Friends and family have been visiting our little Lilian. Our dear friend Kim and her husband came to the hospital to visit us and brought Lily a 'little sister' sleeper and me a few of what some call unmentionables. :) Thanks K- they are just a perfect pick me up when you are feeling your finest. Hahaha. And then miss K brought us dinner/lunch for a week! It was a bunch of delicious food--I'm still working on the tiramisu :)
Out neighbors have been on the scene frequently and we have loved it! Gigi came over and hung out with the gang and after lunch she took the girls for a waging ride while I took a little bit of time to rest. Alison came to meet liliana last night and held her do easily and happily.
Loving life and the generosity of our friends and family! So many people have been generous in their time, thoughts, and gift of food/clothing: and other baby goodies! Thank you all.

04 November 2011

A Change Of Blog?

i'm thinking of changing my blog address to something more fit for a growing family. I will keep you posted on my decision. If you have ideas for a new URL name, let me know :)

Oh To Be A Kid

Collecting needles and carrying buckets makes for a perfect fall outing. Kaylee thinks so at least. We need to go find ourselves some buckets of our own it seems.

Why is her mouth in a funny shape, you ask? Well she was saying "doodle" as she walked towards my phone. 'Doodle Buddy' is her favorite app on my phone and every time she opens the app she has to say 'doodle' and show me the screen- she has been doing this for months now and is still do proud of herself.

Lily Doesn't Mind

We like to kick back eat a snack and make this thing bounce! It can be relaxing and fun. You know what they all say...what's old is new and what's new is old.

03 November 2011


A little yellow jacket landed on the girls shopping cart while we were playing outside today. It took Kaylee a little while to hone in on the bee while Alex located it as soon as we (Gigi and I) pointed it out. Surprisingly the girls listened well and did not let curiosity get the best of them because the bee was left untouched! Check out their interest and excitement over the bee

The pic of the two girls together isn't the best but they were so focused ok that bee in bad lighting- I took any shot I could get.

All Wires Off

The big excitement for us at the hospital, besides the birth of our Liliana, was day 2 of my stay when I was well enough to be off and untethered to the IVs and catheter. Last time it took me 4 days to be free from all that garbage.
Now, today's big excitement was removing the final part of my wiring, the On-Q pump. An awesome little thing that puts local anesthesia straight to my incision. The only bad part was this time I got a bigger pump and I was sent home wearing it leaving the removal up to me. Luckily I have a husband, who I think disliked the idea of pulling the On-Q pump cord out as much as me but pulled it out for me. I think I may have passed out otherwise even though I knew it wasn't going to hurt; the thought is kinda awful. But good news is I am wire free- pain med free will come in due time.

02 November 2011

Viewing Note

I have been posting on my phone so if I post a picture that is supposed to be wide rather than tall- click on the picture to see the full image. Happy viewing


Bebe! Bebe!

The girls are in love with their new little sister. Each morning they look for her and if she isn't in her crib they 'run' down the stairs on their butt to find her in the pack and play. Here is a peek at our 'Good Morning' to dear sister 'Bebe' **click on picture for full view**:)

Something Old And Something New

I have some posts that have been saved up and will be posting shortly...so things will be out of order. :)