On Thursday we started bright and "early" at the park with our good neighbor Kim and her little boy Ben, who the girls affectionately call 'Ben Ben'. We spent 2 hours in the wind and sun playing non stop and the girls were very good at listening to me when I told them not to play in the public litter box aka. The Sand box.
After the park we followed Kim and Ben to a little place called My Gym. An indoor gym for little tykes like ours. There were slides, monkey bars, ladders, trampolines, and Kaylee's favorite the ball pit! It was hard getting kaylee to try anything else. Alex moseyed on around, a little timid at first, but once she found her 'thing' she was as happy as can be...the ladder bridge.
The girls had a great time at My Gum and we are going to try a class with Kim in a week or so. Lily was fairly well behaved but she did get to crying and I don't blame her. She didn't eat too much at the park ( I've noticed she doesn't like to eat outside, or at least when there is wind or a chill to the air) and she was getting tired. But Lily made it through the class and we headed home after an hour of play.
We got home. Ate. Quick play to keep the girls from falling asleep and then packed back up to head to "Gamma's Hows". I got a long overdue haircut and a pedicure while my mom took the girls to the farm to play, eat and yes, of course bathe :) 10 pinkish toes and 5 less inches of hair later I got a little time to visit with my parents.
It was a busy day for us all and Alex was asleep before I made it out of the driveway! I was tired the next day as were the girls- their behavior showed for it ( see FYI posting below)
Enjoy the day!
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