03 June 2012

Fresh Picked

On Saturday Alex, Kaylee and I headed towards the mountains for some strawberry picking with Gammom and Gampa. Greg and Liliana had some quality time of their own planned-reading and practicing crawling.
The weather was a little windy but once we got to the strawberry fields we didn't even notice.
Each girl got her own green cardboard pint to fill and each were proud carrying that empty container into the fields. Granmom showed Alex how to pick the berries and she went happily picking...until she picked a bad berry, then Ganmom said it was not a good one and tossed it- we'll Alex liked that and then practiced her ability to find and throw out the 'not good ones' :)
Kaylee worked with Gampa mostly and once he showed her were the berries were you'd see her lifting all the lever to find the 'biiiig ones'.
The girls managed to fill up 4 pints before eating any berries-I was really impressed. Once they (namely Alex) starting eating the berries ever other one picked was eaten...oops! Their little red faces were as happy as could be and were even given a sticker for a job well done by the farmers at Hartland Orchard!
To continue the fun we all headed to The Apple House in Linden for their famous apple donuts....so good! And then by request we went to the farm for a picnic. I'm not sure where they got the idea of a picnic but for the whole ride to the orchard they talked about having a picnic- simple enough request. So the girls showered Granmom with kisses of thanks for the picnic which was then topped off with some pudding.
It was such a fun a busy day! From strawberry picking, donut eating, picnic having, and even horse feeding the girls had a fun and full day!
As usual the girls wanted to stay at the farm and the only way to lure them away was to say we needed to go find Daddy and Liliana.

We can't wait until next picking season...blueberries in just a few short weeks :)

**so many good pictures from strawberry picking I had a hard time choosing which ones to post

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