We haven't really figured out what to call this little one- We called the girls 'Roos' since they were like the kangaroos in my pouch and mainly because I think Greg resembles a kangaroo. But I feel like the name Roo has been spoken for x2 and now almost half way into this pregnancy I have yet to name this bugger. Any ideas?
You can easily read the ticker on the blogs sidebar to get an update on #3's stats, but what that little ticker won't tell you is that his/her ears are in their final position (lets hope they placed well:) and that his/her arms and legs are movin' and grovin'...sometimes it takes awhile to feel these movements, BUUUUUUUUUUUUUT lucky us!!! Greg and I were able to feel the baby kick/punch/squirm around last night! It was really incredible and strange at the same time. I know I have had these feelings before but you forget what it is like to have a little being knocking your belly from the inside- with the girls it often felt like giant fish were swimming in my belly or sometimes felt like I was super belly growling sort of hungry, you know when your intestines shift around, but this time it really felt like #3 was knocking on my belly to say hello and he/she was knocking really low. It seems that #3 is occupying Alex's old condo :)
I feel like this pregnancy is already so different from when I was carrying the girls.
First- this pregnant in the summer thing is a bad idea. I have a new sympathy for those who sweat and/or suffer from hot flashes. Now my 'hot flashes' aren't exactly like the real ones but still undesirable. As far as sweating, gross. I've never been a sweater (I'm not made of wool) but since having the girls and getting around to being pregnant again my sweat glands decided it was their time to shine! One day I was out with the girls walking around the 'hood in their wagon and I dropped the wagon handle abruptly because I was certain there was a giant bug in my shirt...NOPE. Just some lovely sweat droplets that decided to roll. lovely.
Second-This kid is already getting on my nerves. Literally. I was only about 17 weeks in and #3 has decided to rock my world by doing terrible things to my nerves so now with every step I take or move I make (okay- break into that awesome
Police song-I'll wait)...So when that happens I have a not so gentle reminder in my lower back and rear that I'm pregnant. If memory serves me correctly the girls weren't on my nerve that often and certainly not this early- I do remember one occasion fondly when the girls found my nerve (Alex), I was casually walking in Target probably 30+ weeks pregnant and BOOM! she hits it and my leg fall completely out from under me as I'm pushing the cart- so it looks like I totally tripped on nothing since I was in the middle of a giant aisle. I remember my heart racing b/c I almost bit the shopping cart handle but mainly because I was hoping no one saw anything and I was fearful to look around so I just pulled myself together and walked right along like nothing happened and never looked back.
Third- What's this I hear about Carpel Tunnel during pregnancy- that's a new one for me...I kinda laughed it off when I read about it and then not a week later I get down on all 4s to chase Alex and the chase didn't get too far at first b/c my wrist didn't want to take the weight of my body-awesome. So hopefully this will pass soon, because I've got things to do and babies to take care of :)
Silly #3 thinks he/she is already the center of attention- who does he/she think he/she is?!
We have just a few LOOOOOOOOONG weeks until we get to see #3 again and we are hoping for good behavior, photos and stats check when we go. I'll update on ___________ (insert pet name here) as soon as we have something, until then you can keep a check of the growth and little developments by looking at the side of the blog.