After Alex pulled out the pool and the girls started to play in it with no water inside, I got to thinking: What can I do with the pool when it is too chilly for water or when water isn't enough?
So what can you put in a kiddy pool that isn't water? Here is what I have thought of so far:
1. Bubbles-water+dish soap or sudsy shampoo=LOTS of bubbles
2. Sand- you might want to have 2 kiddy pools if you go this route
3. Dirt- you know I'm not one to keep clean have the kids plant, dig, burry, create and ultimate dirt race track for toy trucks...have fun
4. Oil-Are you crazy?! Maybe. But put some food coloring in some veggie oil and have the kids 'draw' with the oil in a pool full of water. Bring out measuring cups, colanders, turkey basters, whatever you think would be fun to use. Use a few colors of oil and watch them blend*
*Side note: think of how the colors are going to mix- Red+Yellow= Orange Blue+Yellow=Green Red+Blue=Purple Blue+Orange=Brown just a few combos to think about
This I am sure is just a start of a long list to be created over the years. Do you have any ideas on what to do with a kiddy pool?
You must try dried beans with measuring cups and spoons. This can keep kids entertained for hours. (Once they have passed the putting everything in their mouth phase.)