A Humorist of the 1800s and he couldn't have expressed my feelings of this morning if I tried so myself...
There are two things in life for which we are never truly prepared: Twins.
I'm not sure what exactly happened this morning but they got bored and stir crazy and then it was...something for the next hour. It was almost as if I could see the boredom hit, something I hadn't thought about before. I entertained the idea of taking them outside to play but when I went out around 8am it was so humid you could almost drink the air. So that was on the back burner. So it seemed like it was time for some couch play, well Alex thought it was a good time for that as she climbed on the couch and started to play 'ostrich' (burying her head into the pillows and laughing about it). Kaylee wanted on as well not to play, but to take Alex's special toy, Sheepy. And once that started the stealing went on and on between the two and as soon as Kaylee took it from Alex she would chase Kaylee to get it back and when Alex retrieved her beloved Sheepy, Kaylee would cry- often loudly until she stole it back...and it would begin again. Then poor Alex hit her head and she was upset (which is unusual as she generally just brushes it off) so I was holding her as she cried it out holding little Sheepy when I saw spying eyes peer over my shoulder and BOOM! Just as fast as lightening Kaylee stole Sheepy from a crying Alex. I not sure who was more upset by the animal being stolen Alex or me. I took Sheepy back and then Kaylee started to wind up and let loose her anger and frustration...it was AWESOME! (and by awesome I mean, not so much) I searched the house up and down and couldn't find our 2nd Sheepy and with that secret weapon the war could have been over and I would have save my house/life from a devastating nuclear bomb went off.
Should have. Would have. Could have. So it was about 11am and something needed to be done because this behavior could not last until our 2 pm nap time- no one would have survived :) So I called Greg and tried to convince him to let me bring him his forgotten lunch-no luck, he wanted to go out instead. Where to now? Well, I finally figured out what I was going to get my dear neighbor Gigi for her month late birthday and so off to the bookstore we went with our fingers crossed :)
The trip was great! and just what we all needed, a little 'fresh' air, shopping, and new books what could be better? The girls played with the train set at the bookstore for about 10 minutes and then they noticed the books, so we high tailed it over to the board book area so they wouldn't be able to destroy any merchandise (hopefully). And boy did they LOVE the shelves of books (as you can see in the picture). The funny thing is that the girls kept turning to books that were familiar to them in some way. Alex turned to the Usborne book series "That's Not My... Bear, Tractor, Baby, Dinosaur, etc." and Kaylee turned to Eric Carle. There were 2 other books that really caught their eye large versions of current favorites "Good Night Moon" and "Good Night, Gorilla". We had fun and the girls were so well behaved we managed to walk out with a new book..the tiny one Kaylee is holding in the picture.
All in all the day started off a little rough but ended with smiles, laughter and fun (wagon ride and pool time)! Early in the day I was desperate and I hadn't felt like that since the first week I was all by myself with the girls. It was a good reminder of how lucky I am and how awesome my kids are day in and out...so I can't begrudge them a bad day (once a year :)
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