So one of my biggest fears of having kids (before actually having kids) was feeding them. I wanted nothing to do with mushed up nastiness that once resembled a real food like peaches, green beans, or chicken- *gags* and bananas?! forget about those- no way no how, I'd puke. My mom used to hint here and there about having kids and I not so jokingly responded, "I'll have them if you come feed them."
I'm not sure if I have toughened up or if I have just avoided the situation. In an effort to save a few dollars and prevent me from gagging in front of the kids, I decided to make Alex and Kaylee's food. It started with applesauce, which they hated, and then green beans, sweet potatoes, pears, avocado and the works. My freezer has no more room for baby food. My latest batch of food was cauliflower and green beans with cauliflower. The picture above shows the cauliflower that gave its life to give my children sustenance, it was a good cauliflower and huge! Have you ever seen a cauliflower that big?! Some people think I'm slightly not normal for making baby food while taking care of twins, but I feel like if I didn't make their food I wouldn't be caring for them the best way possible. Now, that is not to say I'm better or my kids are better for not eating jarred food because the girls have had some jarred food, it is just not what I want to do on a regular basis- I get a certain feeling of accomplishment and joy by making the food...and really who wouldn't want to hang out with a giant cauliflower and make pretty colored food? (the inner art teacher in me is coming out...)
also pictured- peaches and P.E.P (Pea, Edamame, and Pear)
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