Meaning a few things-
1. It has been a week since making my decision about work next year
2. Teeth reared its ugly head this week- I broke down and medicated the kids since everyone was a little more than slightly miserable
3. Probably another reason to add- but I can't think of anything now.
As I wrote last week, I went into school to talk to my principal about my plans for next year. I had to put it bluntly that Greg and I decided that it would be best for me to stay home with the girls otherwise I don't think I could have come out with it. I respect and love my principal, co-workers, my art room, and those crazy elementary kids and I think letting go of those things was the hardest part of my decision. I cried- no doubt. I had a great thing going at work but I know it is the best decision for us, but it was hard to give up the idea of working. Yes, I know that raising children is work, but it is different, I've had a job since I was 13 or 14 and it is strange to 'let go' of the paycheck world and welcome a new world of jelly fingered hugs as payment. You would think I would be used to this gig by now and I am, sort of- are you ever truly ready for what kids will bring?! :) I am excited and slightly nervous/apprehensive about not going back to work but I remind myself that there will always be someone else's kids to teach, but I only get this time with mine. So as much as I will miss my former life as a teacher I have my own little ones to teach...and one thing I won't miss, my darling students puking on me, peeing on the floor, and sharing their runny noses with me- I've got my own little germ monsters.
23 February 2011
21 February 2011
Want To Guess?
Just Plant It!
So I had a great idea for this spring- plant a garden. We go through so many fruits and veggies so I thought, why not grow my own?! I started to get some ideas, do I plant right into the ground? Do I build a table and plant there? Do I use planter boxes on the deck? What should I plant? What can't I plant? When do I plant? When do I pick? Am I going to kill everything?
So much to think about, so I called the only person I know that could answer all my burning questions about my veggie dad. And sure enough he had some great ideas and knew all the timing of planting and picking and what grows well. My current wish list for the garden:
Sweet potatoes
Bell Peppers
and NO GREEN BEANS! I had a tragic childhood* :) I will not be picking green beans, ever. I will happily pay the $1.99/lb before picking any more green beans.
Now you might be wondering where all this food is going to fit- well, another great idea from my dad answers that query- he just so happens to have 250 square feet of garden space ready to be used on the farm and he can easily make the size of the garden bigger if needed. Now this 250 sq. feet of space is a far cry from my 'tragic childhood'*, but I don't need 12 rows of corn on top of all the other veggies.
First plantings take place around St. Patty's Day!!! 3 weeks and counting down to veggie making!
*tragic childhood is defined as having to pick over 250 feet of green beans. Some may not see this as tragic, but you weren't there :)
So much to think about, so I called the only person I know that could answer all my burning questions about my veggie dad. And sure enough he had some great ideas and knew all the timing of planting and picking and what grows well. My current wish list for the garden:
Sweet potatoes
Bell Peppers
and NO GREEN BEANS! I had a tragic childhood* :) I will not be picking green beans, ever. I will happily pay the $1.99/lb before picking any more green beans.
Now you might be wondering where all this food is going to fit- well, another great idea from my dad answers that query- he just so happens to have 250 square feet of garden space ready to be used on the farm and he can easily make the size of the garden bigger if needed. Now this 250 sq. feet of space is a far cry from my 'tragic childhood'*, but I don't need 12 rows of corn on top of all the other veggies.
First plantings take place around St. Patty's Day!!! 3 weeks and counting down to veggie making!
*tragic childhood is defined as having to pick over 250 feet of green beans. Some may not see this as tragic, but you weren't there :)
Today's Edition : I Love When...
Other people do the work for me. A month or so I discovered the joy of felt and since then I've been chasing ideas across the internet for future projects. Number 1 project on my mind: Felt Food. and since Joanne Fabrics was having a sale on their felt I ventured out there today sans children and did some shopping. I bought the rainbow pretty much, but once I got home I thought I should have bought more so I had enough to make a play house for the girls. But for now I'll focus on the food- and as I was scanning the internet for patterns I stumbled across this little gem.
I've looked at this site before and I know plenty of people rave about it and now it is my turn- Thank you, thank you, thank you for saving me hours of work trying to find just the right tutorials for my girls food.
I know it is a little early for the girls- but it keeps me busy when they nap and think of how fun it will be for them to play pretend when they get older :) So much to look forward to!
I've looked at this site before and I know plenty of people rave about it and now it is my turn- Thank you, thank you, thank you for saving me hours of work trying to find just the right tutorials for my girls food.
I know it is a little early for the girls- but it keeps me busy when they nap and think of how fun it will be for them to play pretend when they get older :) So much to look forward to!
18 February 2011
Just Swingin'
Today was so beautiful, 70 degrees in the middle of February, that hardly happens in Virginia! The girls and I decided to enjoy this weather by meeting up with our friends Lisa (my friend) and Katie Beth (the girls friend) at the park. My girls had never been on a swing before but they took to the idea like fish to water.
17 February 2011
16 February 2011
Me and My Girls
Cute, But I Don't Like Socks
Will She? Won't She?
Tomorrow I'll let you all know.
I will be going to visit my old stomping ground, Westbriar Elementary to tell my Principal my intentions for next year. So the big question...will I come back? or will I stay home? I'll fill you in after I have a chat with my amazing Administrator!
I will be going to visit my old stomping ground, Westbriar Elementary to tell my Principal my intentions for next year. So the big question...will I come back? or will I stay home? I'll fill you in after I have a chat with my amazing Administrator!
09 February 2011
Dinner's Ready
I've been trying to be better about using these things called pots and pans more often than just for the girls. I know Greg needs to eat too, so for dinner tonight- a yummy roast with potatoes, carrots, onions, and celery. I know, if you know my husband you are probably thinking he won't eat this meal since he doesn't really eat those pesky veggies- but he does eat potatoes and meat, and I'm a veggie eater- it works.
New Finds
I found two new products for our family at Wegman's today.

Red Bananas- They are tiny little things especially next to the giant yellow bananas. These red bananas are supposed to have a hit of raspberry, though I can't confirm the claims since I don't eat bananas and the girls, well they are still working on their compare/contrast vocabulary. To my surprise the red banana is the same color as a normal banana is on the inside- I was thinking that it would be different, perhaps a slight pink maybe?
Will we buy again?! Maybe later. At $.89 a pound and the fact the the girls can't give me a preference-I'll stick with the $.49/pound yellow banana for now.

This little find- how do I describe? If A potato chip mated with a mini rice cake a Humble would be born. they are thin like a chip (Pringle thickness) but small and round like a mini rice cake, with the texture almost like a rice cracker. The crazy part of this little snack is that is made from hummus or chickpeas if you prefer-how does that work?! However it works the girls gobbled them up- and so did momma. I thought they were good and a nice healthy snack.
Will we buy again?! Yes. I think these were on sale for $2.00- a good find, something a little different and an easy way to get some protein :)
Red Bananas- They are tiny little things especially next to the giant yellow bananas. These red bananas are supposed to have a hit of raspberry, though I can't confirm the claims since I don't eat bananas and the girls, well they are still working on their compare/contrast vocabulary. To my surprise the red banana is the same color as a normal banana is on the inside- I was thinking that it would be different, perhaps a slight pink maybe?
Will we buy again?! Maybe later. At $.89 a pound and the fact the the girls can't give me a preference-I'll stick with the $.49/pound yellow banana for now.
This little find- how do I describe? If A potato chip mated with a mini rice cake a Humble would be born. they are thin like a chip (Pringle thickness) but small and round like a mini rice cake, with the texture almost like a rice cracker. The crazy part of this little snack is that is made from hummus or chickpeas if you prefer-how does that work?! However it works the girls gobbled them up- and so did momma. I thought they were good and a nice healthy snack.
Will we buy again?! Yes. I think these were on sale for $2.00- a good find, something a little different and an easy way to get some protein :)
08 February 2011
07 February 2011
06 February 2011
02 February 2011
I Can Help
Look What I Can Do!
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