Red Bananas- They are tiny little things especially next to the giant yellow bananas. These red bananas are supposed to have a hit of raspberry, though I can't confirm the claims since I don't eat bananas and the girls, well they are still working on their compare/contrast vocabulary. To my surprise the red banana is the same color as a normal banana is on the inside- I was thinking that it would be different, perhaps a slight pink maybe?
Will we buy again?! Maybe later. At $.89 a pound and the fact the the girls can't give me a preference-I'll stick with the $.49/pound yellow banana for now.
This little find- how do I describe? If A potato chip mated with a mini rice cake a Humble would be born. they are thin like a chip (Pringle thickness) but small and round like a mini rice cake, with the texture almost like a rice cracker. The crazy part of this little snack is that is made from hummus or chickpeas if you prefer-how does that work?! However it works the girls gobbled them up- and so did momma. I thought they were good and a nice healthy snack.
Will we buy again?! Yes. I think these were on sale for $2.00- a good find, something a little different and an easy way to get some protein :)
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