23 February 2011

It Has Been A Week

Meaning a few things-
1. It has been a week since making my decision about work next year
2. Teeth reared its ugly head this week- I broke down and medicated the kids since everyone was a little more than slightly miserable
3. Probably another reason to add- but I can't think of anything now.

As I wrote last week, I went into school to talk to my principal about my plans for next year. I had to put it bluntly that Greg and I decided that it would be best for me to stay home with the girls otherwise I don't think I could have come out with it. I respect and love my principal, co-workers, my art room, and those crazy elementary kids and I think letting go of those things was the hardest part of my decision. I cried- no doubt. I had a great thing going at work but I know it is the best decision for us, but it was hard to give up the idea of working. Yes, I know that raising children is work, but it is different, I've had a job since I was 13 or 14 and it is strange to 'let go' of the paycheck world and welcome a new world of jelly fingered hugs as payment. You would think I would be used to this gig by now and I am, sort of- are you ever truly ready for what kids will bring?! :) I am excited and slightly nervous/apprehensive about not going back to work but I remind myself that there will always be someone else's kids to teach, but I only get this time with mine. So as much as I will miss my former life as a teacher I have my own little ones to teach...and one thing I won't miss, my darling students puking on me, peeing on the floor, and sharing their runny noses with me- I've got my own little germ monsters.

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