Fresh corn is the official start of summer! Just as the girls.
31 May 2011
Welcome To WTCC
WTCC: White Trash Country Club
The babies needed a kiddie pool because the idea of going to the big pool doesn't always seem practical. And so was born WTCC-I thought putting the pool out front was one thing but to do that and have naked babies in the pool would bring WTCC to a whole new level. I figured I needed to draw the line at some point, and I can't really drink beer right now :)
Babies Got A New Pair Of Shoes
I felt badly putting the girls in leather shoes and it being 90* outside...I hate wearing real shoes in the summer so why should the girls have to suffer in full leather shoes?! So it was time to get them some shoes. My goal was to get a pair of shoes that would double as an everyday walking the sidewalk shoe as well as something that would be good in the pool. And we were in luck! I had finally decided a white pair of Crocs is what I wanted...and didn't have them in their size and i was really annoyed; I wasted a bunch of time researching something I couldn't have which seems to be common for me and baby things. But I ended up at Stride Rite at their BOGO 50% off sandal sale and we hit the jackpot with these little shoes. The girls seem pretty proud when they tried the shoes on and walked around. The only down part was that the store only had one pair in the girls size so one is being shipped to us (supposed to arrive today, but it is 8:30 and no sign of the package) :(
Side note: to those of you with twins or two small children needing new shoes- bring reinforcements. While it is possible to fly solo (I did) it was similar to what I would expect herding cats would be like; You call the cats name asking it to come your way and they start to follow your command but something catches their attention and BOOM! they are gone...same thing happens with my kids and when they are gone they wanted to toddle into the mall- thankfully the mall wasn't crowded and we had a patient sales lady.
Went To Target
I went into Target to get these cotton shorts for the girls...and being the prudent (frugal) momma that I am only bought 2 pairs

And I ended up walking out with all of this as well:

To my defense all the shirts cost $1.12 each, the blue flower outfits were $2.00 each, and the adorable checkered skirts were the most expensive at $2.50 each! Still prudent :)
And I ended up walking out with all of this as well:
To my defense all the shirts cost $1.12 each, the blue flower outfits were $2.00 each, and the adorable checkered skirts were the most expensive at $2.50 each! Still prudent :)
Oh, Lolli, Lollipop
Alex is getting a little taller and a little smarter and a little sneakier :) The table that used to have our changing pad on now holds stuff and on that stuff table there happened to be 2 lollipops on top. Alex snagged a cotton candy Dum-Dum and walked around sucking it proudly (with the wrapper on). Eventually the wrapper came off (by my hands) and she was sooo excited! I figured a little lollipop wouldn't hurt and once Kaylee saw what Alex had we pulled the other lollipop down for her. This one happened to be blue raspberry- and at first a little sour for her liking, but she muscled through and managed to eat the whole thing! From the pictures you can tell we had some happy children in our house :)
Happy Memorial Day!
the next Karate Kid?
We had a good weekend here...relaxing mostly. On Sunday we went to Harrisonburg to celebrate Greg's grandfather's birthday with a wonderful brunch. We decided then that the girls would call their Great Grandpa K, Opa (German for grandfather). Before brunch was served the girls got hungry and probably ate 1/2 cup or more of blueberries...then when brunch came around they continued to eat...and get away with murder ie. standing on chairs :) I am fairly certain everyone had a good time during the visit. We left around 2:30 and the girls fell asleep before we got to I-81.
On Monday Greg spent much of his time reading and writing, a common thing for him during law school- esp. this summer since he signed up for 2 writing classes!! So with a short semester and lots of writing, our trip to the beach will be much deserved. Since Greg was busy the girls and I headed to the mall to meet up with my mom, grandma, and dad. The girls went shopping while my dad went to the Apple store and when he was done I took my girls to see him while the other ladies continued to shop. Dad and I went home and played with the girls, fed them lunch and sent them off to bed. A wonderful end to the weekend!
19 May 2011
What A LIfe!
We have been busy around here recently- hence the lack of posts. Pictures and videos have been taken but life has been full and good and time away from the computer was a must. So what has been going on? In my absence Greg and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary, watched a dog for a week, sold my dear Apple computer, took some walks, enjoyed the rain and everything in between. Seems like a lot of things going on in just a few days!
While watching my parents dog I realized two things: 1. I'm not ready for a dog and 2. Spit (my parents dog) is THE most patient dog I know or most likely ever know. She was so amazing with our girls, esp. Alex. There was plenty of wacking, smacking, pulling, tugging, wagging, poking, prodding, and stealing (yes, stealing) and Spit took it all in stride- she would walk away when she was tired of the tiny hands bothering her and curl up quietly trying to hide in the kitchen or behind the coffee table. So stealing-little Alex loves playing with Spit, she pushes a toy in the dogs face and laughs (she didn't alway need a toy, a book, cardboard, or sippy cup all worked up a good laugh as well) but when she laughed the most was when she would steal the dogs bone away from her...often she would pull the treat right out of Spits mouth and the dog never budged. Such a patient dog...videos to post later hopefully!
And my loving computer is going to a new home...a good home in Florida with my brother and his family. I wasn't using my desktop ever so I figured it was time to sell before Apple came out with an even newer product (which will be tomorrow I'm sure).
The floor is messy and the girls are about to wake it is futile clean up time!
While watching my parents dog I realized two things: 1. I'm not ready for a dog and 2. Spit (my parents dog) is THE most patient dog I know or most likely ever know. She was so amazing with our girls, esp. Alex. There was plenty of wacking, smacking, pulling, tugging, wagging, poking, prodding, and stealing (yes, stealing) and Spit took it all in stride- she would walk away when she was tired of the tiny hands bothering her and curl up quietly trying to hide in the kitchen or behind the coffee table. So stealing-little Alex loves playing with Spit, she pushes a toy in the dogs face and laughs (she didn't alway need a toy, a book, cardboard, or sippy cup all worked up a good laugh as well) but when she laughed the most was when she would steal the dogs bone away from her...often she would pull the treat right out of Spits mouth and the dog never budged. Such a patient dog...videos to post later hopefully!
And my loving computer is going to a new home...a good home in Florida with my brother and his family. I wasn't using my desktop ever so I figured it was time to sell before Apple came out with an even newer product (which will be tomorrow I'm sure).
The floor is messy and the girls are about to wake it is futile clean up time!
11 May 2011
Can We Plant This?
What's All This Stuff?
Well, Kids, it is a drawer full of fun! Every fun house needs to have a place to terrorize or things to safely scatter and toss and what better item to toss and scatter than tupperware?! I know you toss and probably lay some choice words on your tupperware, let the kids in on the fun (you might even learn a thing or two from them) lids make good hats.
Ice Cream Break
Grandma had a great idea to stop and get a special treat from the hottest place in town- a little place in the middle of a parking lot called Carousel. The 4 of us shared a small vanilla ice cream in the sun and Spit, my parents dog, enjoyed a well earned 'pup cup' (a cup of ice cream for your dog). Ban-pa was sad he wasn't able to make it but he took the girls out on another day.
07 May 2011
Weeding To Be Done
This lovely bit of real estate may not look like much but after I spend some time cleaning it up it will be ready to be planted with some delicious veggies for my girls! I am so thankful my dad kept a small plot of what used to be a HUGE garden. I may have hated picking certain things from the garden, namely green beans, but squash wasn't my favorite either because the plant itself had these scratchy pricks to them- not like a prick from a burr or a rose thorn, but it feels more like really short pine needles spread across the stem just waiting to scratch you. Now, I never left the squash plants bloody only a little itchy. But having the experience of being able to go outside and pick out your own food to eat was a great experience- I hope that we can continue to plant as the kids get older.
The fresh fruits and veggies were great, but I loved more than anything being able to spend time with mom in the kitchen 'helping' and 'learning' how to can just about everything from green beans to pickles to tomatoes and even jelly (my favorite!). I use the term 'help' and 'learn' loosely because 1. I know that I mostly loaded the dishwasher with the cans and lids that were to be used that day and 2. I know I didn't learn too much because once I start canning on my own mom will be on speed dial and alerted ahead of time to expect many a call :)
So here is to a happy year of veggie growing!
Found The Camera
All By Myself...And Okay With It
Home on the Range
After breakfast the girls started their morning by wondering around the front yard eating cantaloupe. Kaylee was happy in her one spot while Alex explored all over the place and then found Grandpa fixing a light-she thought she could help. She went through his tool bag and found all sorts of great things, screwdrivers, mini lightbulbs, and other fun things, surprisingly she didn't try to eat everything she found!
03 May 2011
I'm Not Breaking The Rules
I'm just not exactly following them.
The Rule: Don't climb the stairs
The Not Breaking:Sitting on the stairs
I wasn't able to take a picture of her 'proud as can be' smile when she first made it all the way on to the stair...but she still thought she was a pretty big deal when I took this picture. Learning to twist the rules already...oh lordy!
These kids will do just about anything to get to poor Spit (the dog). And she has been so patient with the girls. Alex has become her little shadow, following her from one side of the house to the other, watching her eat, and petting her at every possible moment. Her favorite spot to experience 'the dog' is to squat in front of Spit's face and suck her thumb and sometimes she will point at Spit's face and pet her nose (or mouth).
On Today's Menu
Future Gardener
Alex LOVES being outside. As soon as her feet touch the ground she is off and running and usually in the direction of dirt or something 'edible' ie. leaves, grass, mulch, sticks. Kaylee not so much-when we went outside she was just fine with sitting in the grass, sucking her thumb, and cuddling her dog, but she is a pretty good watcher :)
So here is my little Alex in her element and loving it- she could have gone on and on and on, but it was time,
I Got This
Both Kaylee and Alex have been excited about the rainbow ring toy. Alex pulled it out of the toy basket last week and started using it for the first time in months and since then it has been a hot commodity. They are pretty good at getting the rings on- I was able to capture Kaylee working hard yesterday. Now when she plays with the toy she puts a ring on and claps to make sure we all know that she has done something impressive. When Alex puts a ring on the cone (she favors the green ring, though she can place them all on) she gets a giant smile and holds up her 'trophy' and walks it over to me so I can see her grand accomplishment! So adorable.
On The Farm
Since the girls and I are on the farm for the week while Greg is home studying we decided to take a little walk to see the chickens. The girls were interested in them, I think....they didn't take their eyes off the chickens but the girls didn't make a sound. Perhaps we need another trip to the coop to see if the girls really enjoy these strange two legged 'ugly dogs'.
Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty
A Tisket, A Tasket
02 May 2011
Yeah, Daddy!
Good luck today Daddy! We are so proud of you and know you are going to do really well on your exams this week- next time you see us your first year of law school will be over!!!! We think that we should celebrate as a family :) We love you and good luck!
Your baby girls
(posts will come is for daddy)
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