This lovely bit of real estate may not look like much but after I spend some time cleaning it up it will be ready to be planted with some delicious veggies for my girls! I am so thankful my dad kept a small plot of what used to be a HUGE garden. I may have hated picking certain things from the garden, namely green beans, but squash wasn't my favorite either because the plant itself had these scratchy pricks to them- not like a prick from a burr or a rose thorn, but it feels more like really short pine needles spread across the stem just waiting to scratch you. Now, I never left the squash plants bloody only a little itchy. But having the experience of being able to go outside and pick out your own food to eat was a great experience- I hope that we can continue to plant as the kids get older.
The fresh fruits and veggies were great, but I loved more than anything being able to spend time with mom in the kitchen 'helping' and 'learning' how to can just about everything from green beans to pickles to tomatoes and even jelly (my favorite!). I use the term 'help' and 'learn' loosely because 1. I know that I mostly loaded the dishwasher with the cans and lids that were to be used that day and 2. I know I didn't learn too much because once I start canning on my own mom will be on speed dial and alerted ahead of time to expect many a call :)
So here is to a happy year of veggie growing!
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