A few weeks back my mom was headed out our way and we decided to meet for lunch. I was making it to Jason's Deli before her so the girls and I took a little walk to the pet store. It was their first time and the girls had so much fun! The cats were not very cooperative and spent the whole time sleeping so we moved on to the birds. The birds were the best thing in the store!!! I think they could have spent hours with those parakeets- it was pretty cute. Fish were popular as well- they tried to catch the fish, unsuccessfully, but they did get their hands into the tank. lovely. We wrapped up our trip with the guinea pigs, I made it clear that guinea pigs are pet store pets...not for the home.
We did have a quick visit by the grooming area to see some dogs and Alex started to cry when the dogs went out of site...it was pretty sad, but she got over it once she saw the birds again (and grandma!) After the pet store the girls went to lunch at Jason's and had fantastic time!
Is that the Petsmart in Fairlakes? We're there almost every weekend buying something for the dog! I love that store! Looks like the girls do too! :o)