09 January 2012

Lily Moved

Lily is officially in her big baby room as of this past weekend. The girls helped daddy move the big people bed out of the room to make room for the crib. And as expected, Kaylee needed something on her head in order to do her best work.
She faired well in her new and hardly decorated room- but hey at least it is painted :) but I'll tell you what her room isn't that far from our bedroom but the walk there is so long you are half asleep and almost dizzy with exhaustion...you know that point web you are rudely awoken out of REM. yeah, she did that to me...and Greg. Sweet one that little girl. So perhaps she liked sleeping in mom and dads room and this was her one way to say "Gotcha!".
All is well and no mor baby in our room and suddenly we have a lot more space again. Another room to arrange :)

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see the room in person! her cute fox made a guest appearance in the photo!
