10 November 2010

What Are They Doing Now?

The girls have turned 7 months old...now what?

Alex is continuing to build up momentum when crawling; she is so quick these days! I was playing with Kaylee and I turn around to see her fiddling with the vacuum cord across the room...this is why we don't keep things plugged in. Alex has shown an interest in pulling up. Now, call us crazy but Greg and I have been searching the house and rigging up contraptions to help Alex pull herself up. So far a plastic crate from college filled with books has worked best- I've attached some toys to the top of it to entice her :)
Kaylee has really started talking. Currently she really loves the sound "da", repeating it over and over, 'da, da, da, da, daaaa'. I know Greg will be over the moon when she can apply that sound as his name- that will be amazing! The little talker loves to sit! And since she has practiced sitting so much she is now working on clapping...so cute to see her happily sitting and smacking her hands together, perhaps a video will show up in the next few days.
They both are getting pretty good at their finger foods-Puffs are a hit! I just purchased the Target brand of Puffs the other day because they have blueberry flavor- the girls LOVE blueberries! Perhaps pictures to come later, a baby just awoke from her slumber.

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