03 December 2010

Packing Up Twins

So I know I am not the first to take a vacation with twins, but this week the girls and I are going on vacation to....the farm! Greg is going to be home busy studying for his first law school exams so in order to give him an opportunity to study in quiet we are 'over the river and through the woods'.
In preparing for this trip and the idea of packing for a family vacation one day I have flash backs to my childhood trips to the beach. My family along with 2 other families would caravan down to the beach and I always remember following the family with one child- a surburban packed so full you couldn't see a stream of light coming from the back window. The one particular image I remember was a full sized doll house pressed up against the back window sandwiched in between a bag of stuffed animals and barbie dolls. I was probably 10 when I saw this, and to this day I refuse to travel in complete excess. Now I've been known to pack a few extra clothes, who doesn't? But I don't bring excessive amounts. So my thought on packing for twins w/o excess (hopefully).
Trying not to stress out about what to bring and what to leave I decided to think in categories and in terms of less is more. I thought of 5 main categories: Feeding, Sleeping, Playing, Reading, Outing.
Feeding:The feeding pack is pretty easy since my mom picked up a bunch of finger foods at the grocery store, I'm just bringing an acorn squash, sweet potatoes, some fruit and the corn squash mixture I conjured up last week. Bottles, spoons, bibs, and ice cube trays for the food I make while I'm there.
Sleeping:Pretty simple they need their Santa sleep sacks w/ onesies and 2 pairs of footie pj's. When packing, always remember things can usually be washed once you arrive to your destination- less is more!
Playing:Easy, we have a small basket where we keep our toys so I am going to just pick up the basket and go. As of right now the girls usually play with small toys so I don't have to think too much of bringing big things, although I will be leaving their jumperoo and exersaucer, I may have sad babies, but I think they will survive :)
Reading:We can't go anywhere without books! I picked out 7 books to bring because after the girls afternoon nap they come down to their reading circle- a circle created by books that I have placed standing on their edge. Each day is a little different, but the girls seem to love to look around at all the pictures (Alex likes to bulldoze the books)
Outing: The girls need clothes to go out in and I figured I would bring 3 matching outfits for the week, their cover-up with hood, and their adorable hats!

When typing the list of things I am bringing for our first trip it seems small, but lets see how everything fits into my car now that I have the behemoth of a stroller in the back of my car!

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