and I'm ready to go! Alex is a fan of toys and rolling over and taking her toys with her...some times the toys don't make it all the way :)
25 September 2010
Got My Backpack
and I'm ready to go! Alex is a fan of toys and rolling over and taking her toys with her...some times the toys don't make it all the way :)
We Went To School
and saw some followers of ours :)
I took the girls to school the other day because I was coming in to make some copies for 2nd grade. It was nice to get out and do something other than errands or housework. We spent most of the day in the office hoping not to attract all the germs the big kids bring in to share. The girls were well behaved with only a little fuss when they realized they were trapped in their stroller. Alex and Kaylee both helped me make copies and Alex really earned her keep when she had to help fix the copier when it jammed (surprise, surprise).
It was a great sight seeing my girls smiling at all of my school friends- one of the 6th grade classes wanted to see the girls so Kaylee was the lucky one to meet and greet them. I am not sure who was more excited Kaylee or the big kids- Little Kaylee was just so excited to be surrounded by her adoring fans that her smile couldn't get any bigger! I wish I had a video of that was pretty cool.
All in all out trip was a success- I think we'll have to do another one!
24 September 2010
Eat This...Not That
So far my girls have been pretty good eaters and I have really come to enjoy making their food. It is a real sense of accomplishment when you fill those ice cube trays with 'yummy' baby food. (I say 'yummy' because I made green beans the other day and I really can't stand beans of any color or type)
So far the girls don't like fruit; apples and pears have both been rejected. Veggies on the other hand are a hit! Alex LOVES carrots and green bean. Kaylee likes her green beans as well- she was the first to enjoy them. Today, Kaylee tried an avocado, it took her a minute but she ended up really liking it!
I went to the store and bought more veggies so I can make some food this weekend- hopefully they will like what I make.
So far the girls don't like fruit; apples and pears have both been rejected. Veggies on the other hand are a hit! Alex LOVES carrots and green bean. Kaylee likes her green beans as well- she was the first to enjoy them. Today, Kaylee tried an avocado, it took her a minute but she ended up really liking it!
I went to the store and bought more veggies so I can make some food this weekend- hopefully they will like what I make.
Picture This...
A mom, a dad, two babies, two car seats, a double stroller, a Toyota Highlander and a large leather steamer trunk table...
Well you could have caught all the action at HomeGoods last night- boy were we a sight to see. The HomeGoods employee looked at us as if we were crazy for thinking we could fit our purchase in my car, I don't blame him as I couldn't help but laugh at ourselves b/c we looked a little ridiculous. We tried every way possible to put that trunk in the car (with the kids safely attached to a seat) and of course our car has no bungee cables. Luckily Wal-Mart is right next door so Greg ran over there and bought some bungee cords and we were set! We tied up my hatch, drove to Tony's to get some dinner and off we were with our new prize!
I know it wasn't the best way for Greg to spend his one night off from law school-but we did come back victorious and with dinner!
Well you could have caught all the action at HomeGoods last night- boy were we a sight to see. The HomeGoods employee looked at us as if we were crazy for thinking we could fit our purchase in my car, I don't blame him as I couldn't help but laugh at ourselves b/c we looked a little ridiculous. We tried every way possible to put that trunk in the car (with the kids safely attached to a seat) and of course our car has no bungee cables. Luckily Wal-Mart is right next door so Greg ran over there and bought some bungee cords and we were set! We tied up my hatch, drove to Tony's to get some dinner and off we were with our new prize!
I know it wasn't the best way for Greg to spend his one night off from law school-but we did come back victorious and with dinner!
22 September 2010
Lunch Out
21 September 2010
Big Day For the Girls
I'm not sure if it was a bigger day for the girls or for me but, on Saturday night Greg and I moved Alex and Kaylee into their very own crib. Kaylee stayed in the crib both girls were sharing and Alex got the other crib.
How did you decide who gets which crib? Does it matter who sleeps where?
We put Alex in the "new" crib because it still has the bumper attached to it and with the way she is moving all around and typically getting some body part stuck in the crib railings we thought it was best to put her in a place that provided her some protection against the evil spindles.
Can they see each other?
Yes. One of the first things Greg did when preparing the crib for occupancy, besides changing the sheets, was to fold and secure the part of the bumper that blocked the view to the next crib. The girls are so lucky to have a dad like him...I don't think I would have ever thought about moving the bumper to provide a view to the other crib.
How did the girls do?
The girls did just fine. I think Alex was pleased to have lots of room to roam and Kaylee was happy just to lay in bed and not get exiled to the corner.
How did mom do?
There have been better moments in my life. I cried once during the day when Greg and I talked about it being the big day. I talked to the girls about it being a big day hoping that would make me feel better about this event-didn't help. I was crying when we placed each girl in her own bed. I tell myself and others that they are growing quickly but to change your daily routine to accommodate their progress is slightly startling and not cool. Where did my babies go?! I'm happy and lucky that the girls are growing so well but really? so soon? Thank goodness Greg was there or I may have caved and kept the girls in the same crib.
How did you decide who gets which crib? Does it matter who sleeps where?
We put Alex in the "new" crib because it still has the bumper attached to it and with the way she is moving all around and typically getting some body part stuck in the crib railings we thought it was best to put her in a place that provided her some protection against the evil spindles.
Can they see each other?
Yes. One of the first things Greg did when preparing the crib for occupancy, besides changing the sheets, was to fold and secure the part of the bumper that blocked the view to the next crib. The girls are so lucky to have a dad like him...I don't think I would have ever thought about moving the bumper to provide a view to the other crib.
How did the girls do?
The girls did just fine. I think Alex was pleased to have lots of room to roam and Kaylee was happy just to lay in bed and not get exiled to the corner.
How did mom do?
There have been better moments in my life. I cried once during the day when Greg and I talked about it being the big day. I talked to the girls about it being a big day hoping that would make me feel better about this event-didn't help. I was crying when we placed each girl in her own bed. I tell myself and others that they are growing quickly but to change your daily routine to accommodate their progress is slightly startling and not cool. Where did my babies go?! I'm happy and lucky that the girls are growing so well but really? so soon? Thank goodness Greg was there or I may have caved and kept the girls in the same crib.
I Like This Sound
Little Kaylee was talking up a storm in the store the other day...this is only a tidbit of her 10+ minutes of noise. The best part I didn't get on tape was when Kaylee was talking and Alex was crying...awesome. Alex was trying so hard to be good but she just wanted to move around so I took her out of the stroller and took a video of happy Kaylee.
Green Beans and Carrots
Happy eating!
The girls are slowly becoming disenchanted with the idea of oatmeal so I tried some new foods with them yesterday. Kaylee liked the green beans I fed her while Alex wanted nothing to do with them. I didn't have any other solid foods to give Alex so after lunch we went to the store and picked up some carrots to puree and serve. For dinner Kaylee finished her green beans and Alex took a liking to her carrots! We are excited about the world of food we are about to venture into-and I am most excited about the ease in making all this food- $1.29 for the carrots which will be about a weeks worth of food.
side note: I did not gag when feeding Kaylee green beans- WIN!
18 September 2010
An Apple A Day
Our girls will be staying clear of the doctors office now that I have made my first batch of applesauce! I'm not quite sure why I didn't start making it earlier because it is SO easy! I made about a weeks worth of applesauce in 15 minutes from start to finish. I'm pretty excited about all of this. I am going to a dollar store to find more ice cube trays so that I can keep this baby food train a rollin'- next stop, Pears (or peaches).
17 September 2010
Did any other parent out there find is strange to be shoving cloth in your child's mouth while teething? Forget Sophie the Giraffe, my kids were born to be cheap- they love the frozen cloth to calm their gums.
I think I'm official.
I went to my first Mom's Group today. Does that make me an official stay at home mom? I'm not sure it was a great experience, but it was alright. The best part of going was that I was finally able to meet a mom who we see at church every week; she seems really nice and her daughter is so sweet and just a little older than the girls. I'm thinking I could have a new 'mom friend'.
The group seems pretty active and goes on field trips and has evening events just for mom's - unfortunately, I won't be able to go to those since I fly solo here until around 8:45 each night- but I don't have a problem with that the girls and I are finding other ways to get out and socialize (many people approach us for awkward conversations through the day anyway)
The group seems pretty active and goes on field trips and has evening events just for mom's - unfortunately, I won't be able to go to those since I fly solo here until around 8:45 each night- but I don't have a problem with that the girls and I are finding other ways to get out and socialize (many people approach us for awkward conversations through the day anyway)
16 September 2010
Cool Mom...Not So Much.
I was shopping at Anthropologie with my aunt the other day and figured I was totally that cool mom still shopping at her go to stores. Well, that didn't last too long as Kaylee had a plan of her own. I started smelling something ripe when I was pushing the stroller along and sure enough it was my little girl. Lovely, a really dirty diaper that I just couldn't was like I was creating a Hanzel and Gretel like stink path wherever I was going-it was bad. What do I do- no bathroom at the store, no bathroom in the stores nearby, no car in the proximity. Can I change her on the bed that the store has on display? How 'bout that really cute floral chair? or maybe this ottoman? *sniff sniff, cough* Oh, gosh no, I couldn't possibly unleash her stink on the stores product if I did I would have been walking out of the store with furniture I didn't need and was soiled...ugh. Where do I change her, the smell was really lovely.
Ah! The floor, lovely plank flooring and as 'padding' I used one of their soft books that they like to chew on (responsible, I know). So, here I am the once cool mom, now kneeling on the floor with a child that not only soiled her diaper with a terrible stench, but also her clothes AND her car seat; lovely. (Thankfully only one young couple, who were undoubtedly dubbed "cool" by their friends witnessed my uncoolness)
So, I get her cleaned up with no short of 15 baby wipes, I get her undressed and changed into new clothes and her car seat was wiped down with 10 more baby wipes. All done. Nope, I had to dispose of all the grossness, so I found a trashcan near the store- done. The dirty clothes were wrapped and hidden away as to not be smelled for the rest of the trip. All done! Nope. As I was pushing Kaylee around I could still smell that awful smell- Did she make a mess again?! No, the smell is lingering in her car seat- Ugh this is going to be a shorter trip than anticipated, I can't possible be the stinky Hanzel and Gretel all day...what do I do? Think, think, think....
Oh how I love Anthropologie...
Room spray and perfume were right around the corner from where all of this went down. I find a lovely perfume, not too smelly or floral, just simple and able to mask grossness--As any responsible parent would do, I sprayed the car seat, and maybe Kaylee's pants. It really was the only option.
Ah! The floor, lovely plank flooring and as 'padding' I used one of their soft books that they like to chew on (responsible, I know). So, here I am the once cool mom, now kneeling on the floor with a child that not only soiled her diaper with a terrible stench, but also her clothes AND her car seat; lovely. (Thankfully only one young couple, who were undoubtedly dubbed "cool" by their friends witnessed my uncoolness)
So, I get her cleaned up with no short of 15 baby wipes, I get her undressed and changed into new clothes and her car seat was wiped down with 10 more baby wipes. All done. Nope, I had to dispose of all the grossness, so I found a trashcan near the store- done. The dirty clothes were wrapped and hidden away as to not be smelled for the rest of the trip. All done! Nope. As I was pushing Kaylee around I could still smell that awful smell- Did she make a mess again?! No, the smell is lingering in her car seat- Ugh this is going to be a shorter trip than anticipated, I can't possible be the stinky Hanzel and Gretel all day...what do I do? Think, think, think....
Oh how I love Anthropologie...
Room spray and perfume were right around the corner from where all of this went down. I find a lovely perfume, not too smelly or floral, just simple and able to mask grossness--As any responsible parent would do, I sprayed the car seat, and maybe Kaylee's pants. It really was the only option.
12 September 2010
07 September 2010
Happy First Day of School
02 September 2010
Kaylee and Doc ENT
Today was Kaylee's appointment with the ENT. Good news: my Pediatrician gave us a correct diagnosis. Bad news: the ENT had to put a little camera up Kaylee's nose and down her throat to confirm so said diagnosis.
Somewhat side note, did you know your throat kinda looks like a flower, an orchid perhaps (minus the pretty colors)
Now we are going to have to go to the hospital and have a clinical swallow evaluation. And my novice understanding of this procedure is you bring in the kids food, they can watch her eat and/or put some dye in it and x-ray her eating to make sure she is swallowing properly and that no milk or food is going down the wrong tube.
The reason for all this is because Kaylee has had a raspy sounding breath for a long while coupled with her reflux and now her bronchitis sounding chokes we wanted to investigate further. More updates to follow.
Somewhat side note, did you know your throat kinda looks like a flower, an orchid perhaps (minus the pretty colors)
Now we are going to have to go to the hospital and have a clinical swallow evaluation. And my novice understanding of this procedure is you bring in the kids food, they can watch her eat and/or put some dye in it and x-ray her eating to make sure she is swallowing properly and that no milk or food is going down the wrong tube.
The reason for all this is because Kaylee has had a raspy sounding breath for a long while coupled with her reflux and now her bronchitis sounding chokes we wanted to investigate further. More updates to follow.
Alex's Directing Debut
Alex got ahold of my phone and by swiping her hand across the screen she managed to turn on the video camera and the direction of the camera!
How does this work?
01 September 2010
Before and After
Today was a big day in our house...the high chairs were set up and used! After a rather amusing time trying to feed the girls yesterday without the high chairs I decided for my own sanity that it was time! The girls are growing so quickly, I can hardly stand it...Pictured is Alex trying out her new chair before and after her meal of rice cereal.
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