24 September 2010

Eat This...Not That

So far my girls have been pretty good eaters and I have really come to enjoy making their food. It is a real sense of accomplishment when you fill those ice cube trays with 'yummy' baby food. (I say 'yummy' because I made green beans the other day and I really can't stand beans of any color or type)

So far the girls don't like fruit; apples and pears have both been rejected. Veggies on the other hand are a hit! Alex LOVES carrots and green bean. Kaylee likes her green beans as well- she was the first to enjoy them. Today, Kaylee tried an avocado, it took her a minute but she ended up really liking it!

I went to the store and bought more veggies so I can make some food this weekend- hopefully they will like what I make.

1 comment:

  1. Lets hope it stays that way. Mine were all about the veggies... now.. not so much. Its gag city here. lol
