Now, you may have heard me wanting to make these little creatures here, oh say about a year ago, well now you have them! They were fun and easy to make and pretty much anyone I know that is going to have a baby will get one of these elephants (I hope that doesn't ruin the surprise for anyone.)
30 January 2011
Meet Our Newest Friends
Now, you may have heard me wanting to make these little creatures here, oh say about a year ago, well now you have them! They were fun and easy to make and pretty much anyone I know that is going to have a baby will get one of these elephants (I hope that doesn't ruin the surprise for anyone.)
26 January 2011
Someone Was Mad At Mommy
24 January 2011
Rainbow Food List/Chart
Earlier I talked about how I was making a list of the food the girls can eat by color. While I was working on adding a few more foods into my red column I stumbled across this...Eat A Rainbow Everyday. Funny how you find the exact thing you were creating/looking for after you finish!
I See You Out There!
Look What I Can Do, Mommy!
So, Alex is fast. My friend Lisa and I along with the girls went to lunch at Noodle and Co. and had a really great lunch date! The girls ate some of my Mac and cheese and really took a liking to it- Lisa's daughter, not so much. She took the noodle out of her mouth and handed it back to her mom :) It was priceless!
Now about Alex being fast...she was sitting to my right and Kaylee was on my left and I would take turns giving them extra mac and cheese, I gave Alex her bite and then turned to Kaylee for her bite and when I turned back to Alex-there she was standing in her high chair without a worry in the world, so much for those high chair seat belts. My crazy little baby has no fear, which is good in some regard, but I'd rather her not try free fall jumping.
We Can Help You Clean
Eat Your Rainbow
So, I've been told to eat your rainbow every day (not through Skittles) and so while I feed the girls I keep that idea in mind. I've been making a list of colors and the fruits and veggies that belong to that particular color. I was getting sightly stumped with the blues/purples. There were the obvious choices, Plums, Eggplants, Blueberries, and Prunes but I wanted something different and Wegman's delivered. I had seen an episode of Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe where he met a potato farmer creating a new type of potato, a purple potato-and Wegman's happened to have this product. I bought two. I got home and cooked them up and the color was so vibrant and once it cooked the color toned down a little, but still pretty. The taste: it tastes like a white potato :) and the girls loved them!
Here is to more variety in our naturally colored food rainbow.
19 January 2011
Quilting Baby Steps?
So this is my baby step attempt at quilting. Granted there is no quilting really involved, but I did sew some blocks of fabric together! :) It may look like a hot mess to most, but the girls love their new texture mat! A little fur, a little 80s prom, some satin, and buttons and voila! you have a texture mat for little ones.
What do you need for a texture mat?
9-12x12 squares of textured fabric
1-1 yard of backing fabric
When choosing your textured fabric think big, yes cotton has a texture, but it isn't that fun so try a fur, wide corduroy, bumpy chenille-have fun shopping for all those wacky fabrics, I'm sure you'll find some great ones in the clearance area. My center square is a vinyl pocket I made and filled with buttons (I have a 15 lb. box of black buttons, so I put some to good use). Make a pocket and fill it with fun things, pom-poms, buttons, sequins, you know that fun stuff. I also have one square with ribbons tied to it because my girls as with many other little babies LOVE to play with tags so I choose to make a 'tag square' for their enjoyment- the fabric I used was a mesh of some sort- the same fabric some gym bags are made from.
Hope you have fun making your own texture mat!
A Future Project
I've been wanting to try my hand at quilting or something that grossly resembles quilting. My dream project would be to make some quilts out of the girls outgrown clothes-I'm just afraid to mess we are going to take baby steps, whatever that means in the quilting world.
So this is the link to what I'll one day be making: A quilt for my babies
So this is the link to what I'll one day be making: A quilt for my babies
18 January 2011
Ice, Ice Baby
Today we woke up to a nice coating of ice on the ground and all over our cars (with an empty garage). Greg had a 2 hour delay and so did the pediatricians office so the girls didn't get their 9 month check up today as scheduled :( But all is not lost, I got to scrape the ice from 2 cars this morning and it was oddly refreshing-I asked Greg to let me scrape his could you refuse that offer? I think it might just be his lucky day because he doesn't have to go to school tonight! 4 days of no school-I think we are getting spoiled, but I like it.
Kaylee Did It!
She is officially a crawler. I do say officially but it isn't necessarily a pretty sight; her crawling motor skills are still pretty rough.
14 January 2011
Red fish, Blue Kids?!
The girls wanted to make something special for Greg's birthday so they each painted him a picture! I wish I had been able to video the experience because I'm not sure who had more fun, me or the girls. Until next time pictures will have to do-My little Avatar baby is Alex and sweet Kaylee stayed fairly clean considering what her sister looked like!
What I love most about the paintings is that I can truly see each girls personality in their 'design'. Alex the more adventurous one just jumped right into the paint and started smearing and climbing all over the canvas while Kaylee was much more timid and gently scratched the paint. When Kaylee noticed that her hands turned blue, she was NOT happy- she sat in front of her canvas flapping her hands and crying only stopping to inspect her hands to see if the blue somehow magically such luck until we made it to the bathtub! All in all we had a great time and I think the paintings are pretty great as well. Happy Birthday, Greg!
13 January 2011
Happy Birthday, Daddy!
What's For Lunch
As some of you have noted I'm sightly obsessed with making the girls food. I often search the baby food aisle to see what's in the jars and take those ideas home and copy :) Today I saw diced carrots and diced apples. Nothing too crazy but it was something new. So while the girls were still groggy from the car ride I took that time to make some cooked carrots.
20 mini carrots + 2 cups of water= perfectly cooked for babies in about 10 minutes on high
The girls woke up right as the carrots were ready so I put the girls in their high chairs and I rinsed the carrots in cold water so they would be cool enough for the girls to eat right then. I cut them in half and then sliced them and you are ready to serve. The girls have a thing for finger foods so these carrots were right up their alley. *side note: they didn't eat all 20 carrots, there are plenty left over!
20 mini carrots + 2 cups of water= perfectly cooked for babies in about 10 minutes on high
The girls woke up right as the carrots were ready so I put the girls in their high chairs and I rinsed the carrots in cold water so they would be cool enough for the girls to eat right then. I cut them in half and then sliced them and you are ready to serve. The girls have a thing for finger foods so these carrots were right up their alley. *side note: they didn't eat all 20 carrots, there are plenty left over!
12 January 2011
It's In The Paper
If you know me, you probably know I have a thing for papers. I love nice paper, I love card stock, I love hand made stationary and the list goes on. So when I heard about using freezer paper to create stencils I got a little excited. So, off to the store to get some freezer paper :) I'll post about my freezer paper success/failure later.
11 January 2011
Who Does That?
I got an email from TheBump- a site that is filled with tons of baby info and an online community. The email had a short list of the worst parenting advice ever and my top pick:
I was told to smack my daughter’s gums with a spoon so I could tell if she's teething.
I guess you’d hear a click if there are teeth under the gums? Who does that? Have you heard any terrible parenting advice?
I was told to smack my daughter’s gums with a spoon so I could tell if she's teething.
I guess you’d hear a click if there are teeth under the gums? Who does that? Have you heard any terrible parenting advice?
10 January 2011
Good Luck Daddy!
We know you are heading back to school today and want to wish you good luck! Pick a good seat and have fun seeing your class friends! We will be here with mom learning new things too- today we learned we really liked salmon and as you can see in this picture we are still learning about things by putting them in our mouth :) We love you and we'll be excited to hear about your new adventure.
Chubby Babies
Chubby babies 'obese' as early as 9 months, per this study. One of my hopes in making my own baby food is to provide the best possible nutrition for the girls and in turn I found it truly rewarding for myself. In knowing that I can provide good nutrition for them I feel truly lucky and blessed.
If you have babies try making one thing- cook some carrots and throw in a blender and you are done! Or if your kids are all grown, who says you can't have a good home cooked meal, and no you don't have to puree your meal.
If you have babies try making one thing- cook some carrots and throw in a blender and you are done! Or if your kids are all grown, who says you can't have a good home cooked meal, and no you don't have to puree your meal.
Chickpeas Are On The Menu
I bought a bag of chickpeas last night at the store and soaked them overnight. My ol' standby Baby Love says I need to cook these suckers for 2.5-3 hours! Well now I see why people buy canned beans. Perhaps I should think about reading a recipe before I decide to take it on. One day I will learn, until then I'll be simmering my beans.
Great Weekend
We had a great weekend starting on Friday. The girls and I met up with a friend from church who has a little girl, Katie Beth, who just turned one a few weeks ago. The 5 of us ventured to Jason's Deli for a lunch and the other patrons who were there on their lunch break didn't know they were in for a lunch and show!
While all the girls were being well behaved it was a funny site to see my yacht parked in the back of the restaurant, 3 kids in high chairs and the 2 adults sitting at a 4 top table, plus another stroller. We had toys dropping left and right and snacks were being enjoyed in between screeches of excitement- all in all a great outing with understanding patrons :)
I'm not even sure what happened Saturday so we will skip through to Sunday. Heeding the advice of my friend, my lunch buddy, I again introduced milk to the girls in sippy cups. They have been taking their sippy cups with water, but apparently for some kiddos milk + sippy cup= disaster. In a previous post I mentioned giving the girls milk in their sippy cup and the girls reaction...laughter and then toss the cup. So after a few days of no go with the cup-I had an idea. Wake up babies from a nap and give them a sippy cup right away, like we do in the morning with their bottle. So far so good, the girls were rock stars! Let's hope all goes well today.
06 January 2011
Found This Site

Ever wondered what to do with those wonderful Christmas cards people send? Well here is an idea I found at Dinner-A Love Story. If you have little ones in the house this could be lots of fun...I see puppet shows with our favorite friends in the years to come! Enjoy.
Above is the photo we used on our Christmas card this year with the following 'poem':
Santa is on his way with reindeer guiding his sleigh. We are very excited for our first Christmas Day
When Did We Grow Up?
Pictured- Katie Downing, her almost 3 month old, Victor Mason, and my girls
Growing up Miss Katie and I hung out ALL the time...pretty much inseparable. We used to have double birthday parties since we were only born about 5 weeks apart, call each other's mom 'Mom', and got into our fair share of mischief. She is one of those friends who you may not talk to for a few months or longer and pick up right where you left off..only a little older :) We went to school together from K-7th grade and at that point she and her family moved to PA. And somehow we grew up, got married, and had babies- what happened to the days of cream cheese bagel lunches and trading pudding for a cookie? I guess our kids will share in the joy that we once shared together.
05 January 2011
Don't Worry
Alex has everything under control! I know some of you may have a slight heart attack see Alex holding this plastic tube like thing in her mouth but we don't worry about certain things. For me, and this isn't for everyone I know but I feel more comfortable allowing the kids to learn from experience, even at this young age. If they don't experience and learn from their actions I'm not too sure they will develop and grow the way Greg and I would like and expect them to. Clearly we set boundaries for the girls, we don't let them put their fingers in an electrical socket but we also don't hover over their every move in fear they might bump their head or stub their toe. But who says that cardboard boxes and giant bendy straws are going to permanently damage a child-let them have fun and explore because too soon they will find out what limitations are and set their own- this is a time for imagination to flourish.
I found this little bit that is fitting for this post- I'm not sure who exactly Jeffery Goldberg is, but I like the way he thinks! This can be found in The Atlantic, in an advice column, "What's Your Problem?"
Ever since our first child was born, I have slept very poorly. When I close my eyes, my mind becomes crowded with worries. I worry about my kids’ safety, their future, college education, happiness, just about anything you could think of. Is there anything I can do to put my mind at ease?
N.E., Atlanta, Ga.
Dear N.E.,
Alas, no. You are suffering from an incurable disease called parenthood. The birth of a child is the most transcendent moment in a person’s life. It also marks the beginning of what I call “The Great Terror,” in the words of the historian Robert Conquest. (Conquest was referring to Stalin’s ferocious purges of the early 20th century, which were also terrifying, but not significantly more terrifying than hearing your children say they are off to play a game called “trampoline pumpkin-carving.”) To put your mind at ease, I suggest removing from your home all knives, turpentine, No. 2 pencils, bathtubs, medicine, electrical outlets, chairs, peanut butter, and stairs. You should also try to remember that many of the hazards facing our children are overblown: the Crimes Against Children Research Center, for instance, notes that rates of sexual assault, bullying, and other violence against children have declined substantially in recent years, despite media suggestions to the contrary. But statistics be damned; fear is fear. Only death frees you of worry entirely, and the onset of death brings its own anxieties. However, one advantage of death is that your children will no longer torment you with incessant demands for iPads and Ke$ha downloads.
04 January 2011
Another Trip. A New Toy
Today's choice a brown paper bag. The girls always find a toy to entertain themselves in the store...the other day Alex picked up 4 toothbrush packages while I was in the check out line- I better watch out when the girls get older, who knows how many fruit roll-ups or candy bars will wind up in the cart when I'm not looking!
Who Needs A Dog or Vacuum?
The girls have really taken a liking to Cheerios. This picture was taken on their first day of Cheerios and they have been eating more and more each day! Right now a typical morning snack for the girls is as follows:
1. Handful of Cheerios
2. 1-2 oz of raisins or our new fav CRAZINS!
3. 3-4 oz of french vanilla yogurt
4. 1 banana
5. Some Puffs or Cinnamon Maple 'sticks'
6. Dessert- a few yogurt melts
If I can say one thing for sure I can say my girls are good eaters! They LOVE their morning snack :)
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