We had a great weekend starting on Friday. The girls and I met up with a friend from church who has a little girl, Katie Beth, who just turned one a few weeks ago. The 5 of us ventured to Jason's Deli for a lunch and the other patrons who were there on their lunch break didn't know they were in for a lunch and show!
While all the girls were being well behaved it was a funny site to see my yacht parked in the back of the restaurant, 3 kids in high chairs and the 2 adults sitting at a 4 top table, plus another stroller. We had toys dropping left and right and snacks were being enjoyed in between screeches of excitement- all in all a great outing with understanding patrons :)
I'm not even sure what happened Saturday so we will skip through to Sunday. Heeding the advice of my friend, my lunch buddy, I again introduced milk to the girls in sippy cups. They have been taking their sippy cups with water, but apparently for some kiddos milk + sippy cup= disaster. In a previous post I mentioned giving the girls milk in their sippy cup and the girls reaction...laughter and then toss the cup. So after a few days of no go with the cup-I had an idea. Wake up babies from a nap and give them a sippy cup right away, like we do in the morning with their bottle. So far so good, the girls were rock stars! Let's hope all goes well today.
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