The girls and I headed to the park today to meet up with some friends that I used to work with. One of the ladies there is due with her first baby in just 2 weeks! She looks great and #3 is excited to have a friend so close in age!
The park we went to, Meadow Lane Park, was not like any other we have been to. It is located in Vienna and it was surrounded by a neighborhood and luckily had a fence :) the most unique part of the park was that it was like a toy graveyard. People bring their unwanted toys and leave them for kids to ride on and while it took the girls a moment to warm up to the park it didn't take them long to settle in and play hard. We rode in cars, pushed toys, scraped our arms and legs, and had fun with friends! All in a days work.
Alex wanted to swing so I took her over to the swings while Kaylee played among all the toys. Alex was as happy as could be until she realized that Kaylee wasn't in the swing next to her. She pointed to the empty swing and called out "sha! Sha! Sha!" which translates to "sister". So she let me know she wanted out of the swing to find Kaylee so they could swing together. It was one of the sweetest moments.
Here are a few moments from our awesome outing.
29 September 2011
26 September 2011
Who Needs A Pet?
When you have a gargoyle? Doesn't need food, water, or walks but still provides quality entertainment for the girls- what is not to love? The girls certainly can't find anything not to love. Alex spent much time adoring the gargoyle by giving him kisses and lots of hugs- Kaylee loved to give the little guy hugs too but she mostly enjoyed trying to feed him flowers :) I loved watching them play and simply enjoy being in their own little world.
Such A Good Morning
Just had to share that we had one of the best mornings ever! The girls were so happy and content. After breakfast we washed hands and did one of our most common chores...the dishes. My little helpers were hard at work until we got to unload the top rack- that is when I gave the girls a cup and a sippy cup lid. And the house went silent. Kaylee and Alex were so interested and involved with their new found toy that 30+ minutes went by and the girls hadn't stopped playing. They played with each other and were busy by themselves and the house was SOOOO quiet- and almost not fun for me b/c they wanted nothing to do with me :)I'm okay with them playing and having some good quiet is to a great afternoon.
Oh and when the cup was no longer the point of focus kaylee chose to wash her chairs.
Oh and when the cup was no longer the point of focus kaylee chose to wash her chairs.
22 September 2011
Oh, Pregnancy.
There are things that happen to evey part of you while pregnant and I totally forgot about many of them. Besides the obvious- your waist line getting a little bigger- there are a few things in particular that happen to me....and I don't like it at all!
1. Gagging while brushing my teeth
2. Leg cramps, leg cramps, leg cramps
(every time I'm in bed and try to stretch you can bet on a cramp rearing its ugly self)
3. Tight muscles- might just have something to do with those pesky leg cramps
4. Flip flop fail. The arch of my foot gets angry at me when I wear flip flops too often :( perhaps it has to do with the lack of support and the added weight?!
5. Acid. I never had problems with acid reflux before being pregnant and A&K were much harder on my esophagus. I was taking a Zantac 150 almost every day, went to school with my bottle of maalox and slept with tums at my bedside. And often slept sitting straight up-airplane style. It was great. This time I just need my tums. Which is great but sometimes I need to take a few at the thought or mention of some foods- so strange. But if you ever need something for acid reflux go for TUMS Smoothies. By far the best and actually they are kinda enjoyable.
I'm sure there are other lovely things that happen that I don't like but these have been painfully apparent for the last month or so. But on the bright side I only have a little over a month left of these symptoms so until baby comes I'm going to eat my pineapple in hopes it will save my leg cramps and not give me terrible acid issues. Cheers!
1. Gagging while brushing my teeth
2. Leg cramps, leg cramps, leg cramps
(every time I'm in bed and try to stretch you can bet on a cramp rearing its ugly self)
3. Tight muscles- might just have something to do with those pesky leg cramps
4. Flip flop fail. The arch of my foot gets angry at me when I wear flip flops too often :( perhaps it has to do with the lack of support and the added weight?!
5. Acid. I never had problems with acid reflux before being pregnant and A&K were much harder on my esophagus. I was taking a Zantac 150 almost every day, went to school with my bottle of maalox and slept with tums at my bedside. And often slept sitting straight up-airplane style. It was great. This time I just need my tums. Which is great but sometimes I need to take a few at the thought or mention of some foods- so strange. But if you ever need something for acid reflux go for TUMS Smoothies. By far the best and actually they are kinda enjoyable.
I'm sure there are other lovely things that happen that I don't like but these have been painfully apparent for the last month or so. But on the bright side I only have a little over a month left of these symptoms so until baby comes I'm going to eat my pineapple in hopes it will save my leg cramps and not give me terrible acid issues. Cheers!
20 September 2011
We Love Our Time On The Farm
I think Greg had to work on a paper or something related to school so we left and went to the farm to visit Grandma and Ban-pa. Grandma planned on seeing the girls that day in Fairfax but her shoulder wasn't feeling very good and couldn't drive :( The girls wanted to cheer her up with a few smiles and hugs so off we went.
The day was beautiful! I was able to keep the doors and windows open to my car to let it air/dry out. (if you didn't hear a little thing called a hurricane made it's way through our area and dropped rain for a solid 24 hours and I was smart enough to leave a car window or two open...just a little)
As usual Alex made herself at home in the landscape and rocks. Kaylee enjoyed a little walk and swing time. I think another farm trip is in order soon!
The day was beautiful! I was able to keep the doors and windows open to my car to let it air/dry out. (if you didn't hear a little thing called a hurricane made it's way through our area and dropped rain for a solid 24 hours and I was smart enough to leave a car window or two open...just a little)
As usual Alex made herself at home in the landscape and rocks. Kaylee enjoyed a little walk and swing time. I think another farm trip is in order soon!
Why Kids Are Like Dogs
Reason #322
They like to sit on whatever you are currently interested in...oh no I'm not reading that, sit right down and make yourself comfortable
They like to sit on whatever you are currently interested in...oh no I'm not reading that, sit right down and make yourself comfortable
I Need That
I don't exactly remember what 'that' is but she needed it. And sadly both of our arms were too short to reach so we had to wait until daddy came home. I think it ended up being a little ball or something just as useful :)
My Sweet Side
While we focused on Kaylee's silly side for a post or two here is a view of her softer side. Some mornings we need just a little more time to wake up.
Blogger Has An App
I'm excited now! Hopefully this new venture for blogger will be worthwhile. If the app I'd well designed then you will be seeing more post more frequently :)
15 September 2011
I'll Hold That
We've got out outdoorsy girl and our bag lady...what else could we ask for? Greg and I joke about Kaylee becoming a hoarder, which is nothing to joke about after seeing some of the hoarding shows, but the thing that sets Kaylee apart from the true hoarders is that she actually has a purpose for all the stuff she gathers- whatever strange purpose that might be. And Alex, well she just likes to dig and get dirty but is happy to wash her hands in the sink. She doesn't much care for being wiped off with a baby wipe. Silly likes and dislikes and they are just starting to surface...more on that later.
Big Girl Breakfast
I Know My Shapes
I mean I know every person thinks his/her kid is the smartest one ever made, but I sometimes have to be realistic and let everyone know that while she may not be THE smartest, she is still pretty darn smart! If I'm being honest :)
Climb And Play
The Girls Run Away
and this is where I found them. They went upstairs and found the stash of books Greg and I are tired of reading...I'm okay with that, if this is their idea of running away :)

What isn't pictured is what happened next. I went back downstairs to finish putting away the dishes and wiping off the counters when I was done I went back upstairs to check on the girls and didn't find them reading, but I did find them on the bed sitting in their old high chairs. They were glued to those seats, nothing I could do would make them leave, come hell or high water the girls were staying in those chairs. What do you do then? You carry the chairs off the bed, kids and all. the girls were hooked on these chairs and wouldn't come out of them unless it was to trade seats. It was time for lunch and the kids weren't coming so I pried them out of their seats and set the chairs up downstairs for lunch- it was the only thing that could have gotten these kids down the stairs. Crazy kids- but you have got to love them!
What isn't pictured is what happened next. I went back downstairs to finish putting away the dishes and wiping off the counters when I was done I went back upstairs to check on the girls and didn't find them reading, but I did find them on the bed sitting in their old high chairs. They were glued to those seats, nothing I could do would make them leave, come hell or high water the girls were staying in those chairs. What do you do then? You carry the chairs off the bed, kids and all. the girls were hooked on these chairs and wouldn't come out of them unless it was to trade seats. It was time for lunch and the kids weren't coming so I pried them out of their seats and set the chairs up downstairs for lunch- it was the only thing that could have gotten these kids down the stairs. Crazy kids- but you have got to love them!
14 September 2011
IKEA bound
About a month ago our good friends and neighbors Gigi and Alison ventured to IKEA for a day trip. We had a lot of fun...I think I can speak for them, they still come around :) The girls had their own carts and if one lost sight of the other, watch out the hunt was on! They wanted to know where each other were at all times- it was pretty cute. Kaylee and Alex also got a taste of freedom and ran in and out of some of the aisles-smelling the fake flowers, candles and poking rocks, because that is what kids do I guess :)
When we got upstairs the kids found joy and entertainment int he kids area. The chairs and the slide were the biggest hit- and if they could have gone on the wrapped up rocking horse they would have. We had lunch there as well and what a deal! We happened to go when kids ate free, so my meal along with the girls cost about $3. pretty sweet and the girls chowed down! Which isn't too big of a surprise, they pretty much eat everything I throw at them.
I'm not sure how I would have faired on this trip without Gigi and Alison, in fact, we wouldn't have gone without them- they were/are more than necessary! Kaylee and Alex were so entertained by them, Alison was the queen of corralling and lifting. I'm pretty sure she was sore the next day..sorry about that! And Gigi put the icing on the cake..or frozen yogurt on the day! and the girls were thrilled once the initial shock of the chill wore off :)
Bubble Time
Daddy and the girls enjoyed a bit of time outside on the deck with some bubbles. Both girls were really interested in how daddy was forming the bubbles, they tried to blow their own bubbles but it ended with no floating bubbles, hands in the bubble jars, and bubble wands in, frustrating, and we'd do it again in a heartbeat. We are learning, so next time we'll hopefully produce some bubbles.
04 September 2011
Book Time
Slight Panic Attack
Well, I wouldn't necessarily call it a panic attack but I did get pretty anxious the other night while lying in bed thinking of all the things that need to taken care of before #3 gets here. I mean I'm 31 weeks along and while she isn't supposed to show her pretty little face for 8 more weeks she could come at any time. I feel like we haven't done anything to get ready for her, and most days I'm pretty calm about it all but something got me itching to get things done. So I checked my list of to-do's and tried to pick the easiest---Paint color. Ha. Greg and I were on totally opposite pages when it came to what color the room should be, he thought pale orange and I thought darker blue, but after a few days and countless color presentations, a color has been chosen (now it just needs to magically get on the walls). What color you ask? We ended up with Tony Toupe a nice mid tone tan that will look really nice with the colors already upstairs. So now I just have to figure out the accent colors, and I'm thinking a magenta or a royal plum- it will be great!
Other things to do:
1. Find a name...I hear those are important to give your child
2. Get a crib
3. Find her clothes
4. Organize her clothes and room
5. Organize the loft
6. Decorate her room
7. Artwork for her room
only to name a few- while some can wait until after little one is here, I'd like to have them done sooner than later. It will all get done at some point-right? :)
Other things to do:
1. Find a name...I hear those are important to give your child
2. Get a crib
3. Find her clothes
4. Organize her clothes and room
5. Organize the loft
6. Decorate her room
7. Artwork for her room
only to name a few- while some can wait until after little one is here, I'd like to have them done sooner than later. It will all get done at some point-right? :)
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