About a month ago our good friends and neighbors Gigi and Alison ventured to IKEA for a day trip. We had a lot of fun...I think I can speak for them, they still come around :) The girls had their own carts and if one lost sight of the other, watch out the hunt was on! They wanted to know where each other were at all times- it was pretty cute. Kaylee and Alex also got a taste of freedom and ran in and out of some of the aisles-smelling the fake flowers, candles and poking rocks, because that is what kids do I guess :)
When we got upstairs the kids found joy and entertainment int he kids area. The chairs and the slide were the biggest hit- and if they could have gone on the wrapped up rocking horse they would have. We had lunch there as well and what a deal! We happened to go when kids ate free, so my meal along with the girls cost about $3. pretty sweet and the girls chowed down! Which isn't too big of a surprise, they pretty much eat everything I throw at them.
I'm not sure how I would have faired on this trip without Gigi and Alison, in fact, we wouldn't have gone without them- they were/are more than necessary! Kaylee and Alex were so entertained by them, Alison was the queen of corralling and lifting. I'm pretty sure she was sore the next day..sorry about that! And Gigi put the icing on the cake..or frozen yogurt on the day! and the girls were thrilled once the initial shock of the chill wore off :)
I can't wait until the day I can make the ikea day trip!! It looks like the girls had so much fun!