29 December 2009
27 December 2009
Went Shopping...
For crib mattresses-but we didn't bring any home. When you make a purchase at Babies R Us they often give you coupons for 20% off your next purchase, so mom and I each bought something and now have 2 coupons, one for each mattress (sweet deal!)

So what did we buy? Mattress pads and.......

This Play Pen...which if you look it up online it will most likely fall under the category of "play-yard" b/c I supposed after all these years it isn't proper to put your child in a pen? The twins play pen was such a great deal! It was an online purchase returned to the store- original price $209, marked down to $105 and when mom and I were at Babies R Us yesterday there was an additional 33% off bringing the total to $77! Pretty sweet deal if you ask me and the credit card:)
I'm thinking the play pen will be set up in our living room area when the time comes, for now, my car.
26 December 2009
Today is the day!

The cribs are going in the room!! Mom and dad are coming over and while the boys assemble the cribs we will go on the hunt for mattresses :)
I have to say I love these cribs even more now that I know my dad took his first trip to IKEA to get them. Poor guy had no idea what to expect when he got there; he said it took no less than 8 people to help him find/'order from the warehouse'/pick-up the cribs. Thank you dad, the babies will be so happy!
Some days the idea of plurals/multiples startles me slightly when it comes to the kidS, cribS, and mattresseS, but I think now that I feel the monsters kicking me and the cribs are going up things are becoming a little more realistic and a little easier to digest.
16 December 2009
What I wear

My birthday shoes of course!
So, I still have not broken into the maternity clothes--except for pants...but being that it was my birthday I had to wear something cute :)
a pair of grey leggings
a grey wife beater under a white V-neck Tee
A Navy open sweater from Express
brown boots (so cute!)
Gold multi layered necklace
All in all, outfit was perfect for a 50*+ weather!
15 December 2009
Early Birthday Surprise!
The girls room has been painted!!!!!
Mom and Greg worked together and got the girls room painted while I was at work yesterday! I am so excited about the beautiful grey that is now in the nursery.
Greg was so good about keeping this a secret and led me on to believe that he wanted to paint the room coming up soon. So with that in mind, last Friday I went to Home Depot at 9:00 PM after our Christmas party for work. I was hoping I would surprise Greg with the paint, some new brushes, and throw away paint tray. Well, I did surprise him-but I don't think it really mattered :) So, still thinking that Greg was going to paint- I got up at regular time, 6ish, and started moving all of the junk in the babies room to the guest room and tape the edges. Greg stopped me mid taping to have breakfast and then I left to go Christmas shopping.
So fast forward a few days later- I call Greg to see if he wanted me to bring home some lunch on Monday...he said he had some food already and painted part of the room. I got so excited I rushed home to help (calling mom on the way to tell her about my new afternoon plans!)
I got home and could smell some paint and Greg took me upstairs to "finish painting" and told me to close my eyes and he led me into the room and it was AMAZING! the room looked so big and the grey was so pretty I almost didn't realize the ceiling had been painted!!! If you weren't aware, the roof used to be BLACK! and now is beautiful and white!
Mom had her painter come in and paint the room for my birthday/Christmas gift--one of the best ever! I can't wait to post pictures of it--probably this weekend since it is really the only time I am home while it is still light out and we don't have an over head light in there yet.
Mom and Greg worked together and got the girls room painted while I was at work yesterday! I am so excited about the beautiful grey that is now in the nursery.
Greg was so good about keeping this a secret and led me on to believe that he wanted to paint the room coming up soon. So with that in mind, last Friday I went to Home Depot at 9:00 PM after our Christmas party for work. I was hoping I would surprise Greg with the paint, some new brushes, and throw away paint tray. Well, I did surprise him-but I don't think it really mattered :) So, still thinking that Greg was going to paint- I got up at regular time, 6ish, and started moving all of the junk in the babies room to the guest room and tape the edges. Greg stopped me mid taping to have breakfast and then I left to go Christmas shopping.
So fast forward a few days later- I call Greg to see if he wanted me to bring home some lunch on Monday...he said he had some food already and painted part of the room. I got so excited I rushed home to help (calling mom on the way to tell her about my new afternoon plans!)
I got home and could smell some paint and Greg took me upstairs to "finish painting" and told me to close my eyes and he led me into the room and it was AMAZING! the room looked so big and the grey was so pretty I almost didn't realize the ceiling had been painted!!! If you weren't aware, the roof used to be BLACK! and now is beautiful and white!
Mom had her painter come in and paint the room for my birthday/Christmas gift--one of the best ever! I can't wait to post pictures of it--probably this weekend since it is really the only time I am home while it is still light out and we don't have an over head light in there yet.
That's Right...

Think Pink x2!
We went to the doctor's office on the 9th for our 20 week appointment and found out we are expecting 2 girls this spring! We were slightly more than shocked when the technician told us that we had 2 girls on the way....the idea of two girls never crossed my mind as a real possibility for us, we always thought one of each or two boys.
Looking on the bright side, like I told my friend Kim- "We have new shopping partners!" and Greg promptly put a hold on my credit card account :)
How my mom and dad found out about the sexes? I called my dad...
Dad- hello
Me- Hey Dad!
Dad- So, what's it going to be? What news do you have for us today?
Me- Well, do you want to know baby A or Baby B?
Dad-ummm, baby A!
Me- Well, baby A is a.......girl.
Dad- oh yeah, a little girl...and Baby B?
Me- You will have to call mom and find out!
Dad- (laughter) Wait no! B is for Boy- you have to tell me!
Me- I love you, call mom and find out
Dad- (laughter)
Me- *click*
So I called mom afterwards and told her that Baby B was a Girl and that she would have to call dad to find out the other half :) I thought it was pretty funny and I think they did as well. So far most people have been pretty excited about the two girls, which makes it a little easier for us to 'digest'.
We went to the doctor's office on the 9th for our 20 week appointment and found out we are expecting 2 girls this spring! We were slightly more than shocked when the technician told us that we had 2 girls on the way....the idea of two girls never crossed my mind as a real possibility for us, we always thought one of each or two boys.
Looking on the bright side, like I told my friend Kim- "We have new shopping partners!" and Greg promptly put a hold on my credit card account :)
How my mom and dad found out about the sexes? I called my dad...
Dad- hello
Me- Hey Dad!
Dad- So, what's it going to be? What news do you have for us today?
Me- Well, do you want to know baby A or Baby B?
Dad-ummm, baby A!
Me- Well, baby A is a.......girl.
Dad- oh yeah, a little girl...and Baby B?
Me- You will have to call mom and find out!
Dad- (laughter) Wait no! B is for Boy- you have to tell me!
Me- I love you, call mom and find out
Dad- (laughter)
Me- *click*
So I called mom afterwards and told her that Baby B was a Girl and that she would have to call dad to find out the other half :) I thought it was pretty funny and I think they did as well. So far most people have been pretty excited about the two girls, which makes it a little easier for us to 'digest'.
01 December 2009
Fashion Bedrest
So we all are thinking it, but no one really wants to come out and say it...Morgan, it's time to get some maternity clothes!
Those are probably the worst words anyone could say to me...I mean, I'm happy that the condo is getting bigger, however the clothes that people make accommodate such structures are pretty much awful or if they are decent way to expensive to wear for about 2 months. So what is a girl to do?? Cardigans, tunics, open jackets, maybe a dress or two, and leggings. The only way to go right now.
Greg gave me some of his pajama bottoms that he no longer wears (because they are too big on him) and they fit me just fine..with elastic still left to stretch! I'm not sure if these pants ever did fit Greg now that I think about it.
1:15- Snack time...gotta run
Those are probably the worst words anyone could say to me...I mean, I'm happy that the condo is getting bigger, however the clothes that people make accommodate such structures are pretty much awful or if they are decent way to expensive to wear for about 2 months. So what is a girl to do?? Cardigans, tunics, open jackets, maybe a dress or two, and leggings. The only way to go right now.
Greg gave me some of his pajama bottoms that he no longer wears (because they are too big on him) and they fit me just fine..with elastic still left to stretch! I'm not sure if these pants ever did fit Greg now that I think about it.
1:15- Snack time...gotta run
28 November 2009
Urp! Blah...Pewuke
Yeah, so the other morning I must have looked like a hot mess walking down the sidewalk!
So I took my time getting ready this morning before school sat down and ate a bowl of cereal...no big deal right?! Well about an hour after I ate my cereal I was on my way out the door I coughed a little and up came a little breakfast. No big deal right?? Well that is what I thought, so out the door I went thinking life would be fine, I had yet to toss my cookies, or cereal in this case and I'm already 17 weeks preggers...
I leave my house and walk down the sidewalk about 1/2 to the stop sign and pulled my hair back, turned my head and let some more of that cereal come out...as a car goes driving by...awesome!
You know that feeling after you puke and you feel pretty good...I wasn't quite there, but I thought if I made it to my car I'd be okay. hahahaha. Well I make it to my car and before I get in I think "I don't want to puke in my car...let me walk to the side of my car in case I have to do it again."
No sooner did I made it around the back of my car to the grassy side did I puke again, and again, and again....and queue awesomeness a runner runs by- I'm pretty sure he clearly saw my breakfast come up- great!
Well after puking way too many times, my belly was cleared out and I called mom at 7:30 in the morning. She asked me what was wrong, but then chuckled a little b/c I called about me puking and I was upset...she thought something was actually wrong with me. Mom's advice- lay down for 10-15 minutes and don't eat cereal in the morning.
I got to school about 8 that morning and thank goodness our monthly staff breakfast was that morning...I was so hungry!
So I took my time getting ready this morning before school sat down and ate a bowl of cereal...no big deal right?! Well about an hour after I ate my cereal I was on my way out the door I coughed a little and up came a little breakfast. No big deal right?? Well that is what I thought, so out the door I went thinking life would be fine, I had yet to toss my cookies, or cereal in this case and I'm already 17 weeks preggers...
I leave my house and walk down the sidewalk about 1/2 to the stop sign and pulled my hair back, turned my head and let some more of that cereal come out...as a car goes driving by...awesome!
You know that feeling after you puke and you feel pretty good...I wasn't quite there, but I thought if I made it to my car I'd be okay. hahahaha. Well I make it to my car and before I get in I think "I don't want to puke in my car...let me walk to the side of my car in case I have to do it again."
No sooner did I made it around the back of my car to the grassy side did I puke again, and again, and again....and queue awesomeness a runner runs by- I'm pretty sure he clearly saw my breakfast come up- great!
Well after puking way too many times, my belly was cleared out and I called mom at 7:30 in the morning. She asked me what was wrong, but then chuckled a little b/c I called about me puking and I was upset...she thought something was actually wrong with me. Mom's advice- lay down for 10-15 minutes and don't eat cereal in the morning.
I got to school about 8 that morning and thank goodness our monthly staff breakfast was that morning...I was so hungry!
"Is there a baby in there?"
Why, yes, yes there is!
One of the quietest 1st graders you'd ever meet asked me that question while I was in the middle of teaching the new lesson. The little girl raised her hand, and being mid November, and the fact that I had never heard her talk and I didn't know her name, I couldn't ignore her :) So out pops, "Is there a baby in there?" To my surprise I am sure I stuttered and confirmed her suspicions then quickly moved on.
One of the quietest 1st graders you'd ever meet asked me that question while I was in the middle of teaching the new lesson. The little girl raised her hand, and being mid November, and the fact that I had never heard her talk and I didn't know her name, I couldn't ignore her :) So out pops, "Is there a baby in there?" To my surprise I am sure I stuttered and confirmed her suspicions then quickly moved on.
04 November 2009
"Are you wearing maternity pants yet?"
Really? Yes, I've been in those or shall I say I haven't been fitting into my normal clothes without assistance (i.e rubber bands or the generic version of the Bella Band) since about week 6 or 7. Luckily, as I posted before, I was able to find some great pants at Nordstroms that are great to wear before, during, and after pregnancy! Woot for that find- thanks, K!
30 October 2009
I miss the 1st Trimester...
Crazy thought?! perhaps. But since entering into my first week or two of the 2nd trimester I've found it to be not as exciting as anticipated. It might have to do with me coughing and then spitting every minute or so in the mornings, but so far, I enjoyed the tons of sleep I got in the beginning much more than what is going on now.
Foaming puke, thick saliva, the burn of ligaments stretching, the brush of my belly against my thighs...all great things I'm sure...but really not my cup of tea right now.
Foaming puke, thick saliva, the burn of ligaments stretching, the brush of my belly against my thighs...all great things I'm sure...but really not my cup of tea right now.
27 October 2009
So much easier...
Now that work knows I'm preggers. They are so excited for me and so supportive- it has been great! And now that I'm past the dreaded first 3 months, I can say "I'm feeling great!" without people questioning my sanity :) and to make things even better, I totally forgot one of the Instructional Assistants at school is a mother of twins (woot woot!) and one of the teachers is a twin!
It has also helped me get dressed faster in the morning-now I'm not so worried about how much my belly sticks out; everyone knows it is coming!
Tomorrow, I think I will make one of my belly buttons...details to come!
It has also helped me get dressed faster in the morning-now I'm not so worried about how much my belly sticks out; everyone knows it is coming!
Tomorrow, I think I will make one of my belly buttons...details to come!
22 October 2009
Pregnant and Sick= No Fun.
While I could be much worse off this sick feeling is no fun. Luckily I have some great friends in the neighborhood who came to my rescue the other night when I was just too yucky feeling to go to the store--They brought me Benedryl and Tylenol--the only comfort for this pregger. I don't think I could have slept well without that Benedryl!
To make things a little more sad- I have a tooth coming in and it does not feel good. My mouth is sore and it is hard to open (tragic, I know)...Now I know why babies are so cranky when they start cutting their first tooth.
To make things a little more sad- I have a tooth coming in and it does not feel good. My mouth is sore and it is hard to open (tragic, I know)...Now I know why babies are so cranky when they start cutting their first tooth.
Our babies are shrimps!
Our little Roos are almost 3 inches long (the size of a medium shrimp) and weighs nearly an ounce.
And we have fingerprints--already getting ready to make their mark on the world :)
And we have fingerprints--already getting ready to make their mark on the world :)
16 October 2009
The Roos at 12 weeks
14 October 2009
Our first child
She though there were treats in the drawer and kept licking and pawing at the drawer, so I took it out so she could see there was nothing in there. About 15 minutes later Greg and I hear the golf balls moving and so I got the camera to take a video of what she was up to....
Getting dressed can be hard...
02 October 2009
Bringing back the elbow bump

For those germaphobes the elbow bump is making a comeback. It first gained popularity with the avian flu and now coming back with the swine flu. For those of you who practice safe coughing/sneezing (i.e. coughing/sneezing into you elbow) be a trend setter and start spreading your elbow flu! I personally practice safe coughing/sneezing so if I start coming after you with my elbow, beware, I'm probably having a bad day or just want to see if I can spread my germs. So fit in and not look out of touch with the latest health trends it is now proper to cough/sneeze into your hands b/c the elbow bump is back- if you are unaware how to perform the "E-bump" below are the directions...
The elbow bump is performed when two people mirror each other in the following mannner:
- Contract the biceps to fold the arm in half.
- Stick the elbow out "chicken wing" style, exposing the armpit.
- Rotate the body towards the opposite person (e.g., counter-clockwise if using the right elbow).
- Tap elbows with your "partner".
- Retract extended "chicken wing" from direction it came from (e.g., clockwise if using the right elbow).
Some care has to be taken in the performance of the elbow bump, or else bruising may occur on the elbow, due to lack of muscle or fat padding on the elbow.
*from wikipedia
25 September 2009
So Cliché

But is what has gotten me through my afternoon with the kids. I don't much care for puke, but puking in front of 1st or 2nd graders would be social suicide. I'd never live that moment down. So thanks to the millions of former pregnant women who have figured out the medicinal use of Sprite. And to the teachers who give me money :)
18 September 2009
Me Dramatic?! Never.
Well for once there is proof I was not being dramatic or crazy...I seriously couldn't fit into my pants (namely my jeans) after about week 5. People looked at me like I was crazy, and all the moms out there thought I was trying to force the pregger look. But no, I was, for once in my life, not being dramatic. I feel slightly validated, yet I'm not sure if I was quite ready to feel that.
So today, I so desperately wanted to wear jeans so I'm at school with jeans on (unzipped and unbuttoned...pulled together by a thick hair-tie) and a shirt that is tight and long enough to hold on to my pants so my underwear don't show and then a shirt on top of that to cover the awful, awkwardness that is holding my pants in place. Oddly enough, it is a pretty cute outfit, even been complimented on it (because they do not know what is going on underneath)
So week 8...and I can't (sort of can't) fit into my pants. It is going to be a fun fashion ride for the next 9 months.
So today, I so desperately wanted to wear jeans so I'm at school with jeans on (unzipped and unbuttoned...pulled together by a thick hair-tie) and a shirt that is tight and long enough to hold on to my pants so my underwear don't show and then a shirt on top of that to cover the awful, awkwardness that is holding my pants in place. Oddly enough, it is a pretty cute outfit, even been complimented on it (because they do not know what is going on underneath)
So week 8...and I can't (sort of can't) fit into my pants. It is going to be a fun fashion ride for the next 9 months.
If only...
So in college the hot thing to do was sell your plasma...Well I'm thinking that there needs to be a way to use your pee to make money. Give me a month and I'll be making bank! These little free loaders are quite thirsty or something b/c fairly soon I'll be going on command. You may not like the topic of pee, but lets be honest that is all babies do, and now I'll have two to worry about so...get used to reading about it :)
And if you think of a way to sell this stuff let me know ASAP..I'll quit my job.
And if you think of a way to sell this stuff let me know ASAP..I'll quit my job.
17 September 2009
I'm a Duplex
06 September 2009
A Diaper Bag Just Won't Do...

Call me whatever you want but I'm not a fan of diaper bags. I know they are necessary but they are bulky, ugly, and not cute. So I am on the hunt for the perfect diaper bag- I figured I'd start early b/c there are so many "baby" things out there that relate to "diaper bag" it is truly astonishing. So far in my hunt I have found...
This line has all seemingly useful features including:
- Removable shoulder strap
- Waterproof lining
- Bottle tote
- Stroller straps
- Changing pad
- Wristlet
- Elasticized inner pockets
- Easy access key fobAnd while I don't know if these things are actually useful I guess it is pretty good advertising...The search continues.
05 September 2009
My Life as of September
Baby Locks
Yes, I believe it is time for baby locks already. I know I have about 7.5 more months of incubation, then another 10 months or so before the baby starts to crawl, and then some more time on top of that before the kid starts walking....however, our first child of the four legged sort has been a bad girl.
Each day we come home expecting to find something strewn around the house. This time it was the kitchen trash. BAD DOG! She is no fan of the diet she's been on and since she has started she has torn up the basement trash, opened ketchup packages, pushed/rolled/opened her dog food container, rooted through Greg's laptop back, and eaten my water bottle...she's been bad to say the least. So this trash incident happened on trash day Tuesday- she smelled something in the outgoing trash and thought "Hrmmm...maybe I should eat the empty trash bag and something yummy will come out." Wrong. All she got was the taste of plastic and a swift kick in the rear. (When we got home she still had a piece of plastic stuck to one of her teeth which was hanging out of her mouth...BUSTED!) Off to get baby locks I guess.
29 August 2009
Went Shopping
Yes, yes, I know-you don't have to say a thing...I should have waited but I just couldn't. I knew as soon as I got pregnant my skinny jeans would not be worn for the next year or so, no biggie right? I have plenty of other jeans.
Well, I had a meeting at school, on the 18th of August and decided to wear jeans for the first time this summer b/c I knew the conference room (where the meeting was) would be cold. So I stroll in to work, get to the meeting and sit down. I'm sitting for about 20 minutes before I realize I'm really not comfortable, warmer, but not comfortable. I couldn't figure out what was wrong. ahhh! I know my pants! My pants were TIGHT and almost pinching my stomach. What the heck, I mean really? I've been wearing these pants for years, same brand, same size, and suddenly I feel like my rolls are cascading like waterfalls over my pants..not cool. This meeting is ALL day long- 8:30-4, it's gonna be a long day.
So I sit there uncomfortably for awhile and then I just couldn't take it anymore. I looked to my left, one of my co-workers is clearly paying attention to what is going on (clear on the left), I looked to my right, one of my administrators, again clearly paying attention (clear on the right). Time to make the move...slowly as to not alarm anyone I unbutton the top button of my pants....deep breath...So much better, I can actually breath deeply! Luckily I wore a shirt that was longer and could cover my unbuttoned pants, and my butt could keep my pants from falling down when I would get up to run to the bathroom every 27 minutes.
Needless to say, after that experience I couldn't rely on unbuttoned pants to get me through the school year (slightly inappropriate I would think). So, my friend Kim bought these pants last year and I totally made fun of her for it and I'm sad I did b/c I'm eating my words! These pants are soo comfy and made for the no pregger type :) Laugh if you want, but you'll be at the register with a pair or two if you go try them on.
Jolt Foldover-Waist Flared Pants
28 August 2009
Mr. Photographer I Think I'm Ready For My Close Up
We have a sonogram date!
September 17th
I can't believe how soon that is! I know we won't be able to see too much, but it will be exciting I'm sure.
26 August 2009
How is this possible?!

anyone who knows me, knows I love me a good hotdog (or a bad one) I don't really discriminate. I love them so much I can hear them boiling in the street vendor carts in DC. And forget Five Guys burgers when you can have an amazing juicy dog with grilled onions....and now I'm sad.
milk is on a semi-timeout with me right now. Twice now I've had it with cereal and it just doesn't seem to be working for me. I just don't think it is meant to be right now; we'll try again later.
And what bothers me more than my current "No-No-Don't-Eat-That-Remember-How-You-Felt-Last-Time" List is my "You-Gotta-Have-It-Baby-Is-Counting-On-You-To-Eat-This" List....ranked number one and currently only on the list:
McDonalds French Fries
again, if you know me, you know I don't like McDonalds and quite often you may find me razzing Greg about eating there or collecting the coca-cola glasses they sometimes give out. But for some reason the baby is counting on me eating those crispy, golden, salty straws of potatoes. Something about them is just so....necessary
Silly baby is turning me crazy and Greg gets the biggest kick out of it--just wait until I make him find a 24 hour McDonalds when I'm, I mean baby, is wanting fries at 2am.
***ps. Christmas in the mail today! A coupon book from the golden arches for free fries for the baby!!! Life is good!
25 August 2009
The Rabbit Died!
24 August 2009
Chasing the mailman
So my big idea was to tell Adam about his niece or nephew on his birthday since it was right around the corner from when we found out....boy is that a long corner! It had only been a few days since we told our parents and neither of us could take holding the secret any longer (I could probably hold it longer just to torture Laura :) But since telling mom and dad they had seen all the family the very next day and then on that Sunday dad played golf with Uncle Bob (how he kept it a secret...noone knows!)
So August 19th-September 4th is a very long corner...so Greg and I figured we would just send his birthday card early and postmark date would be Monday, August 24th. Perfect. Stop by the post office drop it off and figure it takes 2 days for the mail to get there once processed. Well I didn't make it to the post office, and I forgot to drop it in my schools outgoing mail, I thought I was plum out of luck..on my way home however I see this little white "truck" driving down the road dodging the parked cars. Could it be?! A mail man?! Indeed!! So crazy driver (that is me) speeds up to get in front of him (only 2 more boxes on this road...I must make it!) in a neighborhood where the kids I teach live. I park. Dig franticly through my purse. Throw my wallet an whatever else I can find in there that isn't the card out onto the floor. Victory! I found the letter!
Where is the mailman?! did he leave? turn around? call the cops on the crazy driver? Nope- no fear he moved in front of me. Tip: when trying to leave your car quickly remove the seatbelt. Once my car released me I was able to run down the road and catch the mailman, hoping I didn't look too desperate! He smiled, in a knowing sort of way...I think he passed me knowing I was going to have a momentary freak-out moment.
There is no going back..Birthday card is on the way!
1st Doctor's Visit
Today is the day! Even though the mighty E.P.T. said I was pregnanat (twice)...that doesn't make me special. I have to go get bloodwork done. Hate needles- whomever is drawing my blood I make sure to tell them that I hate needles, but not to worry b/c I don't faint. Hopefully then they will take it easy on me and give me the tiny needle.
So I'll be giving away my life source for the first time for Little Kruck today around 11:30. Wish us luck!
Nothing more than taking my blood today- but I did come out with more vitamins and loli-pops that are supposed to help with morning sickness. I hope they don't taste like cough medicine! Now I just have to wait for pregnancy confirmation tomorrow and then something in my blood needs to be at 3000...when that happens Baby will get his/her first picture taken!
23 August 2009
Kid events without the Kid...
So today Greg and I went to BrickFair in Tysons Corner--a Lego event. We weren't sure what we were going to go see exactly, but we were told about it and we were going to meet up with one of Greg's co-workers, so there we were. We got to the Sheraton around 10 (the event started at 11) and so we walked around for a little while and then noticed a line was forming...We hopped in it! Good thing too. Apparently, BrickFair is the place to be; people were turned away the days before because there were too many people in the building...so says the Fire Marshall.
So there we were in line, at 10:15 and I look to the front of the line and pivot and look to the back of the line and.....we are the only ones without kids (minus the socially awkward 30 something who was giving the kid behind me pointers on how to attach the Lego gun to the Lego person) Nevertheless I got really excited thinking that soon, soon we will be able to take the our Little Kruck to the Zoo, park, State Fair to eat fried goodness, aquarium, and who knows what else...but it put big smiles on our faces thinking about what's to come!
Sleep much?
So really what is the deal?!
I know I am only a few weeks preggers but I can't sleep through the night. By the time 4:30 rolls around I am wide awake, laying in bed trying to think of ways I can put myself back to bed...I thought symptoms weren't supposed to start this early. Here is to another 8 months!
"Back to School" Dinner
Last night we hosted a "Back to School" dinner at our home for Greg's side of the family. We were lucky that everyone was able to make it out despite the desire to head back to college or the terrible rain that hung over the house!
What was on the menu? We had, roasted chicken, corn-on-the-cob, pasta salad, cold marinated asparagus, smashed potatoes, and tomatoes. I have to say it was a pretty darn good meal!
Right before dinner, as I was cooking the corn- I got so hot so fast I thought I was either going to faint or up-chuck all over the stove- I took a few deep breaths and fluffed my dress to try and cool off . Had I gotten sick I would have blown the surprise! Luckily the dress fluffing and the deep breaths seemed to work this time.
6:3- dinner is ready....Greg is ready with his little speech, and here we go....!
22 August 2009
Grandma and Grandpa Neil are coming over!
It just so happened that my dad called me on Wednesday (the day we found out) and asked if I would be around on Friday so he could swing by, take a nap, maybe eat, then head to his poker game. **Perfect**
Now I call my mom and the conversation went something like this:
Mom: Hello dear
Me: Hi Mom! How are you today?
Mom: Just fine busy with work; lots to do
Me: Well I was thinking.
Mom: Uh-huh.
Me: Well, dad just called me and said he's going to come and nap at my place on Friday and I thought it would be a good idea if you came out too and we could have dinner.
Mom: Well, I don't know...I have lots to do at home, and Grandma's birthday lunch is the next day and I have to bake her cake
Me: Bake her cake when you get home
Mom: No. I can't do that.
Me: (charming, loving, voice) Please, mom. I'd love for you to join us for dinner. *sniff sniff*
Mom: *laughter* Alright, I'll bake the cake on Thursday and I'll be there.
Me: Great! When?
Mom: 5 or 5:30. Alright I got to get back to work
Me: love you have a good day!
Mom: Love you too! Bye.
hahahaha the trap is set! Thanks for the easy set up dad!
Now I call my mom and the conversation went something like this:
Mom: Hello dear
Me: Hi Mom! How are you today?
Mom: Just fine busy with work; lots to do
Me: Well I was thinking.
Mom: Uh-huh.
Me: Well, dad just called me and said he's going to come and nap at my place on Friday and I thought it would be a good idea if you came out too and we could have dinner.
Mom: Well, I don't know...I have lots to do at home, and Grandma's birthday lunch is the next day and I have to bake her cake
Me: Bake her cake when you get home
Mom: No. I can't do that.
Me: (charming, loving, voice) Please, mom. I'd love for you to join us for dinner. *sniff sniff*
Mom: *laughter* Alright, I'll bake the cake on Thursday and I'll be there.
Me: Great! When?
Mom: 5 or 5:30. Alright I got to get back to work
Me: love you have a good day!
Mom: Love you too! Bye.
hahahaha the trap is set! Thanks for the easy set up dad!
5:19 am
Well waking up at that hour of the morning wasn't anything too unusual for me... surely not for Greg either as he typically wakes up at 4:45. So he is going about his typical morning routine and as he is about to exit our bedroom I asked him what date it was...then I laid in bed and did a quick calculation..thinking it may be too early to test something was telling me to just go for it. So, I tested that morning and after the longest time (probably only 1 minute) I saw something I didn't think existed
Those darn tests rarely give that information and when it did for me I was in shock I had no idea what to do! Then I somehow made it to the kitchen, scrambled through the drawers to find a card that I could give Greg. Finally success, I found the card I had bought just for this occasion and wrote a little note in it and went to the man cave, his morning dwelling place before work. He had just come in from a frustrating outing with Zoe (code for: Zoe needs to go to the bathroom, we take her out, then she sits.. literally just sits down, then we take her back inside) So he comes in and I'm standing there, I'm pretty sure he knows what I'm up to but I give him the card and....well the rest is history in the making now I suppose!
Those darn tests rarely give that information and when it did for me I was in shock I had no idea what to do! Then I somehow made it to the kitchen, scrambled through the drawers to find a card that I could give Greg. Finally success, I found the card I had bought just for this occasion and wrote a little note in it and went to the man cave, his morning dwelling place before work. He had just come in from a frustrating outing with Zoe (code for: Zoe needs to go to the bathroom, we take her out, then she sits.. literally just sits down, then we take her back inside) So he comes in and I'm standing there, I'm pretty sure he knows what I'm up to but I give him the card and....well the rest is history in the making now I suppose!
August 19th 2009
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